Black and Blurred
Bringing clarity to the blurred view on personhood, ethnicity and culture through the lens of two Christian brothers from Baltimore.
Black and Blurred
#178 The Biggest Threat to the Church in America
How many podcasts have you listened to on race? How many books? How many christian-based seminars have you sat in to be reminded that america has a race problem? How many times have you heard the christian retort, "no! America has a sin problem!"
I agree with the latter sentiment. However, even with all of this, it seems we've acquiesced to a toxic narrative that subverts the king-given mission of the church. The fruit is rearing its ugly head and it must be addressed ad nauseum! Our biggest threat isn't racism. Our biggest threat is how we have discussed it and are currently discussing it. Follow along with me.
End Song: Breathe (feat. Jonathan Mcreynolds, Doe & Mav City Gospel Choir)
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Black and blurred. I'm Brandon here. If you are watching this on YouTube, do me a favor and liking and subscribe if you haven't already. Leave a comment if you're listening to this on podcast, please do me a favor and rate this podcast. And comment on it if that's applicable on your podcast. Share it if you're on YouTube and you dislike this episode, do me a favor and double click the dislike button, OK? Me start this episode this way. We've received some mail some fan mail. And the first one I'm gonna read are encouraging and but I've I've been up at night thinking about this 'cause. I'm like, I wish I could reach out to you in Winchester, VA.
But I can't.
And now this might. This is definitely our fault, because I think on the link it says chat with us, but we can't chat with you through these. Is just fan mail that we read and we'll share it on an episode when people send it in. First of all, thank you for sending it, but I can't actually interact with you because they don't give me your number. Number out of your protection, your privacy. So if you want to actually reach out to us from Winchester, VA Tammy from Winchester, VA. She is an e-mail, black and blair@gmail.com or you can reach out to us on Instagram. Us Adm those things. This is. You said I did a. Comment on your latest episode. Sending you a screenshot. It is about Yahweh not being called God in Old Testament. I agree, but not sure why the New Testament refers to him as God or other older manuscripts that were written in true Jewish culture. And language like Eusebius refers to Matthew's book as written in his mother tongue. I. I don't know that I got a screenshot, Tammy, but sorry and she continues and says I'm sorry. Tammy from north of Winchester. I just came across a podcast after hearing your interview on Eyes on the right, if you. Listened to eyes on the right podcast. With Amy, go and listen to it. Phenomenal podcast. It was. Good hearing your discussion on the divine. I came across this interpretation a couple years ago from Brian Goddard. Hour. It was so good, hearing an educated pastor, not afraid to speak confidently of this interpretation. I have also listened to the first book of Enoch and am partly through the Book of Jubilees. Both have increased my faith in the biblical accounts and culture and answered questions I have about what was in the Bible. She said another. And this is what kept me up at night. Happy new. I am sincerely seeking answers to my questions. You invited us to chat. Chat with me. I'm so sorry. So yeah, give me a. Favor and reach out to us in in Gmail Black and. At gmail.com and and we can do it back and forth. Can even do a video chat if you want. But yeah, reach out that. These are just for us to see and and and it protects you so that we don't get your contact information and things like that so. Thank you for sending that message in, but shoot me a message on Gmail or on our social media. Yeah, we got another message from Lafayette, LA, saying good Morning, Bros. From Lafayette. I listen to the podcast while grooming dogs up, shout out to Dan and just wanted to say happy New Year to future looks bright. Keep on keeping on. God bless. Well, John, we appreciate you, man. Thank you so much and guys, thank you so much for the way that you have been supporting this podcast and listening to it. We if you follow us on Instagram, I was posting that just this past week, it was showing that our podcast was. At least 30. 30 different countries. That's wild. That's pretty wild. I mean, it's still very small compared. Mean. You know, we're not like. But Joe Rogan, when I when I even, you know Joe Rogan, footstool. But still, that's incredible that our humble podcast could be in the ears of people from all around the world. And our perspective is being listened to and we're interacting with people in that way. Thank you for those who have been sharing the podcast and interacting and interacting on here as well. Guys, as we're as I'm counting down to episode where I kind of just share with you guys the path that the Lord has. My wife and I and our family on and planning a church here in Baltimore. I'm I'm going to be highlighting some things and obviously the episode that I'm dealing with today is in our wheelhouse at Black and blurred. It's it's, it's part of the core tenets of things that we're fighting against. And that I genuinely deem as the biggest threat to the church here in America. I didn't say the American church. Only one church. Something to keep in mind, but the church here in America, United States of America. That's what no, it is not sexual licentiousness. Is not corrupt. It's not the drones that have been flying around that nobody seems to have an answer for that. I'm really on the verge of just trying to get people to start shooting down now. It's none of those things.
What it is is gonna seem very. To. But you're gonna have to let me explain. I want to say that it's the conversational race and I'm going to put that in quotation marks. The conversation on race. Why do I put that in quotation Marks and why in quotation marks is just the biggest threat to America? One answer. The first question why is it in quotation marks? It's because. We don't actually. The conversation, the calling. The conversation on race is 1 something that. Shouldn't be 11 race is a construct. We've made that up. There's one race. There's a human race. Now when you say that people just think you're being a contrarian or whatever it is. That's very funny. Suggests goes to show how much we've acquiesced to secular narratives as Christians. But one or. Why is that the the biggest threat in America and it's not the conversational races? The fact that we finished, we had the conversation, and now we're living out the fruits. There's a lot that has gone down over the past decade and there is so much that we have acquiesced to as a church to the point where, if you deny it or reject it, you will be persona non grata in the church, whatever your local body is. What? Is if you are someone who preaches against it and stands against it. Then you aren't. In quote UN quote Christian spaces seems we've had the conversation and we're moving on from it. And those who need to fall in line better fall in line. This is the biggest threat because this conversation on quote UN quote race is at its core an attack on the gospel. If you've listened to my Christmas episode on Peace, the hopeful. Violent piece of. I forget what I called it. I talked about how Jesus himself is our peace and how we can know that biblically and that the definition a biblical, wholesome definition of peace is lacking enmity with your creator. That's what peace is. So at its core, peace is not circumstantial. Peace is not environmental. Peace is not aesthetic, so therefore it doesn't matter if you're single or married. You can have peace. It doesn't matter if your house is fallen or standing. You can have peace. It doesn't matter if you think you're ugly or if you think you're getting older and losing your. Whatever it is, you can have peace and if you have a standing house, if you have beautiful looks, if you I forget what the other one was. If you have the life that you always thought you wanted. You can still have no peace. Because eat peace at its core is none of those things. At its core is lacking enmity with your creator. And how do we lack enmity, discord, hatred toward our creator, and from our creator, through Jesus Christ? He himself is our peace. And what I was highlighting about that is if that is true, in fact, that Jesus himself is our peace, then at any point when you sow discord, you commit gospel treason, treason. It's gospel treason. In this conversation, Yikes. Man, it's gone off the rails in so many different ways. 11 years. My wife and I lived in both Montgomery County and in. Prince George's County Majority, Prince George's County, but doing ministry in Montgomery County and. It's been tough. It's been tough being a Christian who is a black American. Who fights against the current? There are so many things at play. One, there are peoples at presuppositions about you in a condescending way that you're black. They already know you. They know what you should think. Then comes the next thing where you don't think the way they to anticipated you think so. Therefore they're not going to slander you out loud, but they will slander you. Passively, and they feel justified because you're obviously going against the narrative. And why would they feel justified in slandering you? Because other black people are slandering black people who don't talk like black people. Right. Isn't that the way this thing? This is all a Christian context, and it seems that as all of this stuff was falling to our ears from pulpits. People forgot the essence of the gospel. That through Jesus Christ. There has been this supernatural creation of a whole new race of people. These chosen elect race of people, this royal priesthood, this holy Nation that he has made for himself through his shed blood and broken body, we've forgotten about it. Completely. And there are a bunch of other things fundamental to our profession that we have forgotten. So in the beginning I want to address a couple of those things and then I actually just want to play a conversation I came across and react to. I I only watched it one time and so and that was like that was, you know, in the I want to say around September of last year, maybe November I can't remember what it was you know it's been a few months. I can't really remember, so I'm. Be kind. Of processing through this with you and showing how it plays into what I'm highlighting today, but the biggest threat in the American Church. Of the church in America is to forget that she is the church. But it's not about. Racism itself is not even the biggest threat to the church in America. See, because for the true bride of Christ, racists don't exist. There might be a controversial statement. For the true bride of Christ, racists don't exist. What do I mean by that? When you look at Paul's letters in First Corinthians or Second Corinthians, when you look at John in Revelation. Yeah. Paul's letter to the Ephesians. There times where he highlights people. By identifiers, those identifiers are sexually immoral idolaters in John or in revelation by John, he highlights cowards first. That their inheritance is the lake of fire, that they will not be inheriting the new heavens and the new Earth. Their reservation will be in the Lake of fire. Adulterers the sexually immoral. I've had conversations with Christians over the years where they have a problem with that list because it's like, well, I look at that list and. I'm on that list and the fact of the matter is, no, you're. See in Christ, you're at the beginning of Paul's letter when he greets you as a St. That's your identity. So those who are identified by what they do are those who are not in Christ. That's very important. That's very important. See for the one who is in Christ. Your identity is in. Christ, nothing. Therefore, let us not regard anyone according to the flesh. Paul says. So the biggest threat to the church here in America is not racism. It's the conversation on race. It's in that conversation that the enemy has allowed us to believe that, hey, we know that sin is bad, but there's actually something a little bit worse than sin. It's racism. Look, we know we're unified, but I just can't be unified to this white person here, 'cause. They're inherently against me. Just some penance, some extra work they have to do. I know, I know. We just did a Easter play in and in the Easter play, Black Jesus said it is finished. But you know, here in real life, even though we we do believe the Bible says that it. It's finished here in real life. The work still needs to continue and it needs to be carried on by you people. And if it's not because of what you've done today, then it's because of what your father's did yesterday. And there was a lot of this that we have. That's a foregone. We've acquiesced to so much, to the point that it it's presuppositions. It's our statements about one another in a way that we converse with each other in a ministerial context are filled with these presuppositions. The. That. Are different groups of people. These black people, these white people, white evangelicalism and you know, the black church, all of these. Identifiers. Seems like we've completely forgotten what Paul says in Galatians. That there is no Jew nor Greek, no slave nor free. No. No male nor female. What he says in Colossians. That we. All in, Christ and Christ is in us. We have completely forgotten that, and I'm telling you, we forgotten it so much, to the point that when you start talking the way that I'm talking right now. You, you you're treated as if you're being extreme. I would love to tell you I'm not speaking from experience. Would love to tell you that, but I am. You're the extreme one talking like this. That we have supernaturally been created. Through the shed blood of Christ and his broken body, and that we every single one of us different tones, different heights, different sizes, different backgrounds form together to build a holy temple to our Lord and his body. Sharing is different members of that body. So. I want to look at first John 17 in context of this. You know, Jesus does this high priestly prayer. And you have to think about the King of Glory, knowing just how befuddled and duped. Christians would be. Knowing that we will be so deceived. To forego the basic tenets he left us with. Through his teaching and through the teaching of his apostles, his disciples, and that we would then flock to pH, DS and Masters in book sales and everything else telling us about this new way of seeing each other and all this new nonsense that needs to happen. In order for us to be unified, mind you. While I'm at it. I know that they're my friends. I know that monitors and crystal ball trigger our friends, however, I am being genuinely sincere when I say that when you are at your church. And your church wants to do. Seminars or whatever on race, whenever that inevitably comes up. Diversity, things like that lovingly and patiently recommend their book lovingly and patiently recommend their. Their shoot.
Their group.
Study their small group curriculum. Recommend that. Recommend this book walking in Unity when I tell you about the books that I've read on quote UN quote race. I'm telling you it's discouraging. I can't get past the first couple chapters without recognizing that the author has brought into false narratives that are anti biblical. So therefore we can't trust that they're actually gonna treat the real. Well, I'm not saying that racism is not a real issue, but in order for us to treat the real issue well, then you have to know the foundation is true. The Foundation's true here in walking in unity. So I tell you to lovingly and patiently suggested as just a member of your church, just love hopes all. Just hope that they would trust your wisdom in that, and if they reject it, then do what my friend who wrote the forward on this book of Lisa Children told me. It's not your job to change their minds. It was mostly one of the most encouraging things I've heard in a in a very dark season. It's not your job to change their minds. So suggest the book. Suggest the curriculum. Even if you want to lead it, lead it. Take ownership. But this is what's pointing to the gospel. The reality of the gospel. And it's not just this intellectual thing they wrote. These how to's. It's their life. It's the the rawness of their. I know I did a full episode with. Right now, but I'm I'm genuinely encouraged by the work that the Lord is doing through them. So suggest this book walking in unity. This is a book that you want. That's a book that you want. Look up their. Go on CFBU dot. Or is it spelled out Center for biblical unity? I think it's spelled. Just look up Center for biblical unity and you'll get everything that you want and just be an advocate at your church. Your local church. You want to talk about? It doesn't matter what your church looks like looks like because the issue is our heart. Right. OK. Let's look at John 17 briefly. Jesus knew the things. The onslaught of lies and quote UN quote knowledge that we come across. I'm just going to read some of this prayer. Jesus says this in John 17, father, the hour has come. Glorify your son that the son may glorify you. Since you have given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom you have given him, and this is eternal life. That they know you the only true God in Jesus Christ whom you have sent. Now let me pause really quickly. That's important to know if you've watched our episodes on like the Black Church and things like that. It's very dangerous. As a somebody who professes to be a Christian, yet your allegiance is to the culture. Why is that? Because that is just one of many aspects of fruit that show that you may not know. The Eternal 1. And Jesus says this is eternal life. That they know you. He continues on. I glorified you on Earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to. And now, father, glorify me in your own presence with the glory that I have with you before the world existed, I've manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were. And you gave them to me and they have kept your word. And now they know that everything that you have given me is from you. Referring to disciples. For I've given them the words that you gave me and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you. And they have believed that you sent. I am praying for them and I am not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me. For they are yours. Are yours and yours are mine and I am glorified in them. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world and I am coming to you, Holy Father, keep. In your name. Which you've given me. That they may be one even as we are one. While I was with them, I kept them in your name. Which you have given me. I have guarded them and not one of them has been lost except the son of destruction that the scripture might be fulfilled. Want to read that passage again? I'm praying for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. All mine are yours and yours are mine. And I am glorified in them and I am no longer in the. But they are in the world and I'm coming to you, Holy Father. Keep them in your name, which you have given me. That they. May be one even as we are one. While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me. It's something worth pondering on to think about. Jesus praying that we would be 1. He and the father are one. On my litter literature fans, it's a simile. So now what we would need to do is breakdown just how. Did Jesus and the Father showcase their unity? Well, there's a lot of discomfort in that. Because there's Jesus rightful reign in place on the throne. Yet he condescends. To the role of a servant in order that the father would be glorified. We don't want any aspect of that today. As a matter of fact, we stand in each other's faces demanding you condescend, and we feel justified because of the things you've done or the things your ancestors have done. To a. Where we've even acquiesced to that the fact that I have less sin than my white counterpart because of my melanin. Because of my skin tone, it makes me really laugh at those PBS reveals. With umm. Man, my mind's going blank. Like Sonny Holston on the view, she had family who were Spanish slavers. Owned slaves. Oh my gosh, I'm drawing a blank right now. Oh my goodness, this woman who's a Black Panther. Angela Davis. Angela Davis, her family came over on the Mayflower and were slavers had slaves. And it's like. The reality of that should say, Oh yeah, that's that seems about right, OK. But because of how much steak they have put into being able to condemn those who are connected to slave owners. Apparently that's where sin started. During American chattel slavery, they've put so much weight on being able to condemn. One connected to that that they seem at a loss that they themselves are connected to it. Almost as if. They need hope. To be saved by someone. But we've lost that message. I remember doing a small. Seminar on quote UN quote. Race and and guess which curriculum I used. I used the reconciled curriculum by Center for Biblical Unity. Use that. And and one of the questions that I asked in the beginning was, hey, can you tell me what you find beautiful about your ethnic heritage? Tell me something you find beautiful about your ethnic. You might even hear me ask this question again in a later episode to one of our listeners. A friend of mine. Tell me something beautiful about your ethnic heritage and and and those who have a darker hue. Melanin. Had no problem sharing something. Well, I got to a woman who I can only describe as white American because she didn't even parse out what her ethnic heritage is. Is not an ethnicity. Neither is black. But like I said, we've acquiesced to a lot to the point where we can't have productive conversation, and the conversation itself is toxic. Yeah, I can only describe her as white American. And she said, I don't find anything beautiful. And I looked at her, puzzled. I said. I even just try to highlight some things to showcase just how you know, kind of foolish, that thought process is. Let me highlight this really quickly. Would you attribute? Your feeling right now to things that you learned previously. About yourself, in quote UN quote race discussions say well, yes, I mean, I just feel a lot of shame and heartbreak. All I see is evil and racism and slavery. Like I said, you know, slavery. Is where sin started and human history started at American chattel slavery, apparently. And so I said so. So. I even address. Some things that you could highlight as a quote UN quote white American. Can we pause and reflect on this really quickly? You came to your church. And you left with shame. Is there anything we probably are doing wrong? If that's the case? It when it comes down to the Commission of our king that this, this, this mission he gave us, that is not only just. A king given. It's rooted in the reversal of the factions that we existed in, based on language, not on skin color, but in the Tower of Babel, where mankind is divided according to the number of the Sons of God. In Deuteronomy 32. And what you see now and instead of these territories being entrusted to Lesser Elohim who failed and ended up getting punished by Yahweh in Psalm 82. That power is now given to Jesus himself. He says it explicitly in Matthew 28. Power and authority is mine now, therefore. Go and bring everybody back to the family. So this gospel. Is rooted in us being reunified into the family of God. Through his unique son, Jesus Christ. Yet her reception at church is that you're different. And this is what makes you different. You have evil history and the stain of that evil history is worn on your white skin. Go home ashamed. Obviously, you're not gonna say that out loud, but we may as well, right? If she can come to a worship service and leave with shame rooted in who she what, her skin color is, then we may as well say that out loud. So I just shared with him. I said how? How what about this? Know what about the fact? This country, as we can see now. Is majority white American right now? So that makes sense that it was majority white American earlier on. Centuries ago. And because of that, I think we rightly attribute slavery to majority white Americans. Not all white American. We can attribute slavery to majority white American because it was in the country and the country was majority white American. OK, I'll give you that. Who do we attribute? The abolition of slavery to? Who do we? Who do we honor for that? Does that ever come up? Or when we talk about slavery, are we only allowed to talk about? These slave owners, who were the most brutal, some of which were black Americans. That's not this episode. And then we further the narrative by saying that we are different, even though we're gathering in the same space. And the thing that makes us different fundamentally is our skin color. If that's not a lie of the serpent, then I don't know what is. But we fundamentally differ from one another because of our skin color. That's so ridiculous. Yet we lose out on being able to celebrate real history, and if we were to be unified in the same way as the son and the father are unified, then our desire is to endure and celebrate. So that we would glorify the father. What do I mean by that? Am I highlighting the abolition of slavery to glorify white Americans? No majority of them were siblings of mine, brothers and sisters in Christ who said hey. I think. Ready to bleed and die for this? It's the church. That glorified the father. In their work. We would. We ought to highlight that to glorify him, but we don't, because the conversation on race doesn't allow for it.
OK. What were other? Oh, so let me address this before I I dive into. Video here. What about actual racists? What about the the address of actual? So if I had a drop down button to answer that question, here's the first thing I would answer. Majority of the circumstances that I have seen since being able to cognitively.
The number of those conversations addressing actual racism is 0. Not saying that that's the case for everybody. I live in blue Maryland. Is a progressive. And so everybody's loving and. They just hate each other in their hearts and passive aggressively. And so aggressive hatred is for racists. Now the most racist things that I've heard have not come from white American people. But we've done away with being able to address that biblically and faithfully because guess what? The PhD people told us that black people can't be. As if God is going to be waiting for us to approach him. And when we say. When someone says oh, it looks like he was being racist, it was. Nope. No, no, no. Wasn't racist, remember? I'm black now. I may have been. I might have been prejudice 'cause, you know, we can be prejudice. I didn't have power. And then the Lord is going to. At him and say oh.
You're right.
Ohh man you got me. You got me. Come on in here. What? What exactly do we think we're doing? Do we think we are fooling? I digress. But I have been to numerous diversity trainings, diversity seminars, diversity conferences, the worst of which was this thing called. Man, I forget the name of it. Hold on. Let me try to look for it, I think. Oh, you know. I remember what it's called CD. The Ccdai went to the 2018 National conference. I hadn't heard of it. I was pastoring alongside a brother at a church plant and we both went and our wives and and from and we we had a we had a discussion. You would go after the different sessions, we would go. And get food and discuss. And I was. I was upset. I was upset with the display of. Christian disunity at this conference and the adoption of worldly and secular narratives and wording toward siblings. What do I mean by that? Majority of the speakers who are of some ethnic background other than white American. Would get up and take some jab at a white American. Now it's a. It's maybe I I can't remember, but it's at least 2 to 5000 people in this main conference. And every time they would get up, they would get up and take some jab at white Americans, which, because of the conversation on race, we have agreed that's allowed. You can do that. You can take jabs because that's how the world operates. Question is, is that how the Kingdom operates? Is that the way we're going to be in, in, in glory with the Lord Black people going to be running everything? First of all, what's the the question is going to be, what's a black person? That just goes to show you how myopic our. Is it's super American. And it's super worldly. It's not rooted in holy thinking. It's not a renewed mind. It's completely worldly and it's because cowardice. That's why cowardice. We don't want people to dislike us. But more on that in a different. Dan and I are going to do episode on bullying. Bullying culture, but.
Yeah, people got up there. It was a giant mess. I don't know any of these people. Is in 2018. But yeah, they they got up there. They. On quote UN quote white people. Meanwhile, I couldn't help but think that you have. Hundreds of white Americans sitting in these seats that show they care. But this is what I've seen at all of these different things that I've gone to, not just this one. One was by far the worst, but every single one of them I go to the conversation on race. Or diversity. Is always 1 sided and it's what white people need to do to get back in the good graces of black and brown people. You know I've. I've been doing it for a while, so once a time Once Upon a time I was just black, but now it's black and brown 'cause, you know, we gotta get everybody in there. Who's a minority gets a piece of the pie except for Asians. They're trying to sneak their way in there, but nobody cares about Asians. I I can. These things out loud, they're true. Because this stuff is inconsistent and it's rooted in the world and it's rooted in the enemy. It's not rooted in the love for Christ. It's not rooted in his Kingdom. But this is the way it goes. We stand up and we give all of our grievances regarding white people. And we demonize and slander either aggressively or passive aggressively at the Ccda conference in 2018. It was aggressive, aggressively. Highlighting on stage white people y'all be doing this white people. You need to get your people. Need to fix. Tell your people to do. Tell your people. I mean, I'm dead serious. This is the way it was being handled on stage. And this is a Christian conference. Some of you may be listening and say. Don't see anything wrong with that. That's why the title of this episode is what it is, because the only way for. To find out I'm right. Is when the King of Glory says I'm not really sure who you are. It's a threat. So what about? So that's the first part regarding what about real racism? Secondly, when it comes down to addressing real racism and the real history of our country. When it comes down to Christians addressing it, the first thing we did was we diminished the power of sin. I've had many conversations with Christians, even in the seminar that I led, I called racism sin. And someone accused me of being reductionist. And my response is always this. You have a very little view of sin. You directly proportionately have to then have a very little view of the cross. I. I can't logically grasp how you can feel the weight of the cross accurately when you have such a very small view of sin. If you think that calling racism sin is me just calling racism sin. You have a very small view of sin and thus you have to then have a very small view of the cross. Dangerous. Dangerous. Another thing. When it comes down to addressing sins, what we have acquiesced to as a result of the grace or the conversation on race. Is that these sins need to be addressed that I demand as a black person for you to deal with something you did against me. And even if you didn't do it against me, then you did against people who look like me. Even if you didn't do it against. Who look like me? It was people who look like you, who did it to people who. Like me and I demand. A response I demand. What the retribution I demand. I demand something. We've seen the videos of like these white American. I believe, professing Christians, bowing down to Black American Christians. My question is. Is that happening in the Kingdom? That's my question. Will there be any human being bowing down to another human being when the King of Glory is present? That's my question. This is what we lack. In the church, because of the conversation on race. Walk with me. You're familiar with the story of David. At best, David. Very conveniently timed his morning stroll on the roof. To see Bathsheba lusted after her and utilized his position of power to take advantage of her and sleep with her. At worst, he raped. This is going to be put on YouTube, so I have to obey the rules. So at best and at worst it's sin of some of the highest order. Actual it's not conceptual. It's not. It's not logical like the ways that we highlight racism in that we talk about reparations and positions of power and fragility. And inherent racism and things like that. This is actual hands on sin. And then to cover up his hands on sin, he had her husband killed. And here's the thing that separates David's heart from majority of Christians hearts today. That in his repentance. In Psalm 51. As far as David is concerned. His issue was between he and the Lord. Against you and you alone. Have I sinned? That is deeply offensive to us today. Because the natural question we would ask because of this conversational race is like, where's my justice? He did this to me. Where is my justice? And it's because we have exalted ourselves. While also diminishing sin, so therefore it's not a big deal to you that someone could sin against a holy and righteous God. In whose image you are made. It's not a big deal to us anymore. Fine. Yeah. Chattel slavery had, you know, image bears lacked up in shackles and things like that. The church couldn't stand it. Fought against. That's not good enough, man. It was black people. That's the real issue. They did it to black people. Image bears. David recognized that any aspect. Of value. That Bathsheba and Uriah have is because of the one who made him. And so if he is somebody who is willing to rape and kill. Then he doesn't need a book on the 12 steps to living a non sexually violent life. He needs repentance to his maker. That's what he needs. So when it comes down to this conversation on race, when we fight and invite all these foolish individuals to. To bring in their books and their books point to all these different pragmatic steps and processes in order for white people to never be deal with because black people don't need to do it, and brown people don't need to do it. Asians might still need to do it. They don't count in the in the conversation. But. We don't come into our churches and tell us that if you genuinely have somebody in your midst who looks at their neighbor and they say I hate you and I hate your skin and I hate everything that you do and doubt anything that you do because of your. And whether that is aggressive or whether it's passive aggressive? The thing they need is repentance. They are at odds with their maker. That's the big issue. And it's necessary to highlight that because that's why we have a gospel. That's why. It's because the human heart is desperately sick deceiving. Who can understand it? Who can understand it? Ibram X Kendi can't understand it. Robin D'Angelo can't understand it. Not even John MacArthur can understand it. Mason can't understand it. Whatever sides of the coin you fall on. So the question is, when you listen to any of these people, are they pointing you to the one who does understand it? Or are they demanding you do a bunch of human stuff? Regarding you only in the flesh. Let's listen to a couple of these clips and I want to highlight how in this it shows how we have completely acquiesced to the world's narrative. That the main groups in this world are rooted in skin color and those skin colors are what make up different races. And even. These races we have subcultures called qualifier here. Black. Church Chinese Church White Church. Evangelical church, whatever. Let's listen to some of this. I'll give my thoughts in the in our close. So this is from the holy Post. Which was live in Chicago. You know. That that thing I went to was in Chicago, by the way. First of all, I love Chicago. The good parts of it you go downtown. I I'm from. I don't need a vacation in the hood. I would never do that, but. Yeah, I love Chicago and I'm a I'm a deep dish pizza. Sorry for all those I might have ruined it for you, but I'm a deep dish guy. It's worth the wait. So this from the Holy Post podcast with Phil Fisher. And ET all some. And Charlie dates, it seems, is a frequent. Guest on this podcast. And so I have a couple. I have a couple of benchmarks that I have highlighted that I'm just going to play through and listen and and just give my commentary and why my heart is distressed over these things and Oh yeah, also you can you can comment on the podcast or Apple has a. Section. On the podcast and Spotify has a comment section. Tell me your thoughts. Tell me your thoughts about these things on that. Know it. Maybe takes more. Maybe many of you drive and listen to this, but yeah, interact with us in that way. In Iraq, was wasn't that way. We greatly appreciate it. Yeah, let's listen to this first one.
Black. Christians have been pawned. In the political conversations, because white Christians who dominate the Christian space in America like to tell you what a good Christian votes like thinks like and looks like. Besides the fact that that institution has been wrong on everything from slavery to abolition of Jim Crow to the new. Jim Crow. They like to tell us what to vote. So in my context, I don't really think black Christians listen a whole lot to what the white evangelical establishment. Says I do think we have our struggles with the morality and the ethics of either party, and I would say it this way. Sometimes the Democratic Party can come across as caring about systemic social sin. And maybe not as much about individual sin. And the Republican Party doesn't give a doggone about systemic social sin. Fact, they don't even believe that that's a thing. But they care a lot about quote individual sin. And so I see. Rich theological reflection where I serve. Where people are not caught up in the silliness, so to speak, of extremities, they really are concerned about what policies are going to make life better for people who don't have access. To health care, to housing, the quality education. Things that, quite frankly, keep people either impoverished or granted opportunity, so there you.
So now. There's a lot to break down and I'm not. I don't have time to breakdown every single aspect of what he. I'm going to do some kind of macro reflections and a micro in between the line reflections. Reflection. You see the paradigm. Versus white. Black, black, black, white, black, white, black, white now. In his defense, which I hope is I'm speaking, I'm I'm assuming he knows he's not speaking for all black Americans. Not very. I'm not super familiar with Charlie dates. I definitely know. And I definitely know he's a gifted speaker. I know that he's a gifted speaker and it also is. The reason that some of the things I've heard. Are disheartening to me. That when we have these these gifts given to. By. King to the praise of his glory for the edification of the church and for the ministering to the world we're in here throwing mud at each other. And it's bothering. It does bother me, so I I get. I get that he's not speaking on behalf of all black people, but that's the paradigm that you hear. Black, white, black, white, black, white. You also heard, I agree that you know black Americans have been used as pawns. Shocking to say this, citizens are used as pawns. Everybody's used as pawns. What we highlight on our podcast is that black Americans seem to be the last to the party to realize it. And that's because you go against the. So you have people who will call you ***** now one thing. Our brother Virgil. This is something I talked to him. I didn't like when I saw that Virgil Walker was highlighting how critical race theory was being taught from the pulpit. And Charlie date called him Uncle Ruckus. From the Boondocks, basically Uncle Tom, slandering him. For being a white. You know a white boy in black skin or whatever type of thing. And like that's bothering to me. That's very bothering to me. But. Let's continue on. That's that's the. The. I mean, that's the paradigm we see there. You have that you know. Black Americans aren't realizing that they're been used as pawns into their own destruction. Am not a part of the paradigm of Democrat versus Republican. Am an independent. Don't. I am not a Democrat, Republican. I vote based on the way things are going in primaries and in general election, whatever. Is but. It doesn't matter. Even if I did check one of those boxes, it's not my identity. What we need to remember. That's not my identity. It's one of the boxes that I have to check. That's it. That's it. But to to that point, as a conservative who would necessarily who? Would inevitably be looped into the Republican paradigm. I would. That there is a concern for social systemic injustice. It's just that definitions have been so distorted by the enemy because that's what he does. He deceives. But we literally are calling killing children healthcare. You see what I mean? So the veil is thick here. When we start using these phrases in these terms, they're pregnant. They're pregnant with already precept pre supposed definitions. Systemic injustice. Welfare. Since systemic injustice over time under the guise of care under the guise of caring for people. We want to highlight Lyndon Baines Johnson. We want to highlight Margaret Singer. We want to highlight these things, but you're not allowed to. Let's keep going.
To see it in like 2016, 2017 color, it's terrible.
Yeah, I. I don't know if you noticed, but I'm on Twitter. And and when that went down, part of what surprised me was the number. There were a few Twitter voices that said. Oh, we need to self reflect as to why a church like Progressive Baptist wouldn't feel at home here.
But there were many more voices that said effectively, good riddance, absolutely.
And I'm just wondering, you know, I started getting hit very often in, in talking about race issues with people saying there is no black church. There is no white church.
You know, it's sinful to even use those terms because you're dividing. God's church. What's what's your response and how do you help in a suburban white guys like me who end up tangling over some of these issues? Is, you know, in public 'cause here's my problem. Everybody liked veggie tales. Once Upon a time, right? And everyone who liked veggie tales assumes that whoever made it must be just like them, you know? And that.
Or anyone like vegetales because it was the. And I mean, you know. That's the way God. He uses people, but what's attractive is him. And I think we lose our way when we think that we're the ones that's being. But I want to hear what Charlie dates is about to say here and then I'll give my. Start.
Is whether you're a them. How do you how do you explain the why it's valuable to speak of the black church as a distinct? To teeth theologically and historically.
How much time do we? Let me first of all say I really my kids really enjoy me at Kirk Franklin on veggie tales and God knows how long ago that was, but he was on tour. It was a. So at least you had some representation. In in veggie tales I think.
Wasn't veggie tales about vegetables? Alright, I'm not gonna keep you on, all right?
History is theology taught in illustration that there is something we learn about the hand of God and the power of God simply by an accurate historical narrative. I don't think black people. First of all, against Contra at Ben, Carson said. Didn't migrate here. I don't think black. Were intent on starting a black church. And we lost a major scholar this week. Name is Doctor David. He's a church God and Christ Bishop, and he wrote about some of the Christian roots on the western side of Africa. And I'm I'm trying not to say names here cuz I don't want to get in trouble and I know you guys get in trouble all the time. But. The enslaved persons came from colonies that were already Christian. And they did not come to America and get Christianity as a perk. I'm not saying everybody who was brought here was a Christian. Just saying it's historically inaccurate to paint these persons. As godless as Christ, less a lot of. Even were Catholic. Doctor David Daniels talks about that in some of his writing. So we would have historically, happily wed with others who were just hard. When you're in slavery, is preaching to you the liberating power of Jesus Christ. For your soul, but is interested in keeping your body in prison.
So I'm sorry, I'm it. Couldn't seem slightly. I'm gonna post the link. For this, in our YouTube video. You can watch it, but. I we can. Where that's going, and I think in, in, in, in some respects, he's right. However, this is where we have to recognize the presupposition, the presupposition, the what's presupposing philosophy. Question is that when you come down, when it comes down to. Not dividing the Lord's church into black and. That's something that could only seem attractive to a white American. That's presupposed, right? That's something I can only be attractive to a white American. That's not true. As a matter of fact, there are many black Christians who believe this. And they didn't come up with some black coalition of. Non segregated church groups? No. They were believers and they loved the Lord's church and they know that his church is the one for whom he shed his blood. And so we ought not create more factions that he did not create in and of himself, but unified. That's what Christians do. It's Christian thought, and so Phil asking Charlie to weigh in on this, as the Black representative, not his words. As the Black representative is off base. Let's look at this guy another point. Something that is not highlighted. When it comes down to the black narrative. Are black Americans who don't go against the net, who go against the narrative. That's that's something that's that's not highlighted. And so here we have Reverend JH Jackson that you probably aren't familiar with, but he opposed MLK. He opposed his message.
Those of us who are Christians, we don't believe that you can have a theory of God based on color.
Because he deemed his message to be unbiblical. He deemed it to be. JH Jackson wasn't representing conservative black people. He was representing the Kingdom. And anybody who sided with him was representing the Kingdom unity. This is this is what you need to look up. Look up JH Jackson. Go look him up. The reason you don't know who he is is because he maintained fidelity to the scriptures, OK? We gotta move fast. 'cause. I want you to hear a couple other things too, so.
The top ten. Oh, they know better. But they don't care. So my answer to your question is couched in that this is what I think you would need to know and. A. Supposed white evangelical audience, if I were ever given that opportunity.
There's a good.
Point to highlight like all of these things. That I've been to. These things have never been at predominantly black churches as far as predominantly black individuals make up the body of that church. They've been at predominantly white churches. These conversations like this conversation that's led by Phil Fisher and his friends here, where they invite Charlie Dakes to come in. A tongue lashing. Americans, that's been the stage. Been the context. For these things that I've to. Say what you want about those things, but one thing that it highlights is that the people you judge the most are slandering. Most are the ones who seem the most conducive to unity.
Toward unity.
But it's gone the other way because in these types of settings you invite angry people. Not saying that, Charlie. Is angry, but we've seen it over the past. We've we've seen these people. Dan and I did a highlight where we we highlighted the woman who was leading that seminar, teaching that white people are demons. That that wasn't in the Christian. I. I hope to the Lord she wasn't a professing believer, and I hope she comes to Christ. But. They're angry, and so then what does that do? It gives the white American who just learned everything they need to learn from a seminar and reading a book. It gives them license to condescend me. And passively, aggressively slander me because of my stated beliefs and desire to be faithful to the scriptures and to my king. So you're not really black. Oh yeah, I've gotten that from non blacks. You're. You're just saying that because of the people you listen to 'cause you know what said what's being said there without being said? Well, you're too stupid to think for yourself. So. This is extremely toxic and it's a huge threat. The conversation itself, let's listen.
Is that to presume that one angle? Of doctrinal formulation. By one people group. Somehow is significant enough to round out the breadth of theology for the for the global body of Christ. Is asinine and arrogant. It it is.
So let me just translate that for anybody who wasn't following basically saying to believe that all theology for the globe of Christianity, for every Christian on the globe, must be spelled out and taught through the lens of white American teachers. And arrogant and I would 100% agree that if somebody genuinely believes that, then I would come join forces in the secular sense with Pastor dates here and say this is asinine and arrogance and arrogant. Now here's the problem I have. The problem I have is that that is not necessarily the case, but. But there is something that does fuel this fire. As a seminary. As a student of seminary, there are things that do make my antenna go up and say, why are you doing this? Here's an example. I'll always use this example. I growing up in church. I wasn't a Christian growing up in. I thank God for my parents, but I was not living for Christ. But I didn't learn about Dietrich Bonhoeffer until seminary. Fascinating man. Fascinating man. I learned about all of his things I learned about cheap grace. I read his biography by Eric Metaxas and and then also cheap grace. Still own it. I'm not gonna look for it back there, but. But I found out later that he spent a significant time in Harlem, New York. Under the shepherding of a black pastor. Now, in highlighting that, I think another. Step another response that is not conducive to unity. Is somebody responding and saying, well, what does him being at a black church matter? What does any of the things that you taught me about Dietrich Bonhoeffer matter then? Point. If you're teaching me about Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the only thing you leave out in your teaching is that he spent significant time not only significant time. So he moved over to the states, and when he writes in his work is that he was so sickened by the American Gospel, the church that he landed at is where he got the true gospel. So. Leaving their black skin, he was highlighting, it was their biblical fidelity. It was their sonship. And that's a part of his story. As a matter of fact, the theology around cheap grace was developed in him in him at this church. That is something that can galvanized the beauty of the church, the multifaceted nature of the church in the way that she looks as different members. That's something that we can use to extinguish the darts of the enemy. Regarding this conversation on race. But when we leave those things out, we fuel the fire. That's what's bothering about that. If you want anymore idea about that, read Bonhoeffer's Black Jesus. A book out. I have it. Oh, I found it OK. So this is it, Bonhoeffer's Black Jesus. It's by Reggie Williams now. I'm trying to remember. It's been awhile since I've read this, but I think it might even have a bend. That I'm not favorable of. I'm. Yeah, my favorite of like the bend is like, hey, look easy. Bonhoeffer even got stuff from black people. At how incredible black theology is. Black. And it's like that is not the angle that needs to be the case. But as far as getting information from it you I think you ought to read it. If you've read anything about Bonhoeffer. If you're fascinated with his life, then here's an aspect of his life that you may not have known about, and you can read about it and you. Make the judgement based on the author's writing, as you may. So yeah, Bonhoeffer's black Jesus. We leave those things out and it feels a fire to allow Charlie days to say the things he's about to say now. Let's listen. And then we'll be wrapping up soon.
It it is the height of theological malpractice. That all the books we studied in seminary. Written by white men. That most of our professors were white men and most of. Way we're trained to preach. Done by white man. I would say you got a disease. And we got to get that out of your blood.
So let me just address this really quickly. This is why I don't like this language, because the issue. Here's the issue. When it. Down to the bride of Christ that the Lord has left in this world not to be removed from the world, but to be protected by the Evil 1 so that they, while being convicted of the truth. Spirit would make manifest the knowledge of Jesus Christ through his life, death and his life, death and resurrection for the salvation of those who are lost. That that's why we're here, right? But the big issue is that these guys are. Can you? Are you tracking with me here? I I'm I'm only doing this in a in a fraction of a sense. Not completely disagreeing with the point that Charlie dates is. I've already agreed in the beginning with that point, but now here the height of theological malpractice. Is the fact that all of these books are written by white men now? That could be a problem if every single book. Is pointing to the beauty of white skin right? Those types of things. And I and I get down the line that people are gonna be able to trace some faulty theology to the fact that all of these authors are white. Then you have black Christians, brown Christians who don't get to express themselves. In their ethnic heritage because they have been theologically shaped by white men. I get that that's a different argument that I'm still disagree with, but I'm not arguing here. I'm saying, are we even concerned? With whether or not it's biblically true. With whether or. These white dudes, these crackers. Or not. They're teaching biblical truth. Because I'm allowed to talk like that, right? Are we concerned with whether or not they're teaching biblical truth? Because if we're not, then the biggest issue is that there are these white idiots. Well, then forget the white guys. Going back even. I don't like. I'm gonna tell you this. I don't like that in my Bible. It's a bunch of Jewish people. I don't like that. I don't, I I I it's the height of theological malpractice that the Lord would exclude this vast array of people on this earth to reveal himself to. And he only used this small, little decrepit nation. I'm sick of it. Is that a good analogy or not? If it's not, tell me what's the difference. If we're not concerned with whether or not it's true, biblically true if all we're concerned is the ethnic exaltation. Then it leads us into a snare. It inevitably leads us into a snare. The height of theological malpractice is that they're all white. The fact of the matter is this. When you're not concerned. With biblical fidelity in this argument, I'm saying that Charlie dates can have a valid argument when it's rooted in biblical fidelity. But when it's not rooted in biblical fidelity and it's rooted in skin and ethnic fidelity, that's how you get black liberation theology. See we. We can accept black liberation theology. I can accept what MLK was teaching because he's black. That's the that's the the foremost important thing. That's my fundamental link with these. They're black and so I need to hear from. The cries of those who are teaching the wisdom of God and they're just teaching it from the lens of their blackness and. Disagree is because I've. I've only learned from the lens of whiteness. Do you see how dangerous this is?
Moving on.
And one way to get it out of. Blood is what I've been asking you to. You've had a rough year is to come, go to church with us. Here's what I mean by that. A lot of our multiracial churches are black people moving in the white spaces. We can't get y'all to move into our spaces.
We can't.
Well, our we them us you. The paradigm is there, it's acquiesced. It's it's accepted already. We do not have a. First, Peter 29, Paradigm first, Peter, 29, says. But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession that you may proclaim the excellent Excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light once you were. A people. Now you are God's people. Every single one of you have trusted in the name of Jesus Christ. Are his people supernaturally made by? But Nah, man, I gotta hold on to my, you know. I gotta hold on to my blackness, my black card. All you know, the people who don't love Jesus. Gonna take my black card from you know what I mean? They don't take my black card from me. What did he just say?
Can't get you to come sit under. Pastoral leadership.
Oh yeah, that's what it was. Obviously he's speaking generally. I think I know many people who exist in predominantly black contexts and they're not black. They're white Americans. Have a very good friend of mine. Right now, who is? And the biggest issue he had in that church is that they were highlighting blackness more than they were Christ. And he was bold to highlight that he was bold to pick it out. You're not here to be. You're here to be faithful, a brother, a sister, a son, a daughter. But we lose our way because of the conversation, right? White people, won't you go into black spaces and watch how we do it?
A nice little ironic twist for you. Grew up. An all black church in West Baltimore City. Here's a twister. It was Presbyterian.
It's PCA.
Specia church. What does that mean? It means that we sang hymns. It means that when I was growing up and I hated the music. I remember hating the music. It had nothing to do with the core progressions and the beats behind it. It had everything to do that I hated the one to whom the music was saying. That's what it was. Because the Lord ended up winning my heart through that music. And watching the way people responded to singing those songs, the fact that it was so empty in me. I remember going across the street to Tony Evans hometown church. Where he was. He grew up in that in that church Wayland Baptist Church, across the street. People never knew what church I was in, but I would always say, you know where Raylan is. Yeah, yeah. Where the church across the street. Forest Park Presbyterian. And I remember going over there for having like a joint worship service and our pianist when, as requested, played. This is the day. And she was passive, aggressively slandered after that, even by us. We were embarrassed. That she didn't play at the quote. Black way. And then the pastor got up and said, how about we sing that again? You know, the way we used to sing it. We're used to singing it. And so my question is this, going back to the question I've been asking, when we get to the Kingdom, what songs we singing? Who, who? Who's playing? Who's playing? It's a dude who rolls weed after he plays playing with his. Bag on. Who's a phenomenal musician but doesn't know where he got his gift. He just does it to get paid at your church that you pay him for. Because he's crazy. That's 18 fingers. That is that who's playing? Who's playing the songs? Better question is who are we singing to? That's the. Who are we singing to when we get to this last point?
Racial churches are black people moving into white spaces. We can't get you all to move. Our spaces. We can't get you to come sit under. Black pastoral leadership can't get you to see. Beauty of. Black Christian music until it's Maverick city and they sound more like you than they do like us.
Everybody laughs. This is God's people. I think that's enough. I'm going to address these three things. I think one of the Lord's gifts to the 21st century church is Pastor Vogham. Lord knows he's been an incredible gift to me. When I was in a place where I was literally emailing. Black pastors to disciple me. To mentor me, literally reaching out. This is before stuff hit the fan. I was just starting in church planning as a pastor and I didn't have a black pastor to mentor me. And then some of you might be thinking, oh, but isn't that kind of stuff that Charlie talk? It's not about that. It I specifically wanted to be mentored. By a. Brother, who had to fight against the crowd in the mob. Blaming him for not being black enough. I wanted somebody who was versed in that. And so I didn't know if there were pastors who were versed in that at that point. Didn't know. I'm just literally reaching out emailing. Didn't get a response. But listening to the sermons of Pastor Volcom and watching the the war he was waging on lies for the sake of the bride of Christ. And then watching the Saints. Be nourished and edified by his words, no matter what their skin color is. Has been such a deep encouragement to me. Now. Ask me the type of people who have heard slander him. There are plenty of white people who. Flock to sit under him as a pastor. I don't think it's the white people. That would have a problem with him. See the issue with this conversation. Next. Music, when it comes down to a bunch of different things, Maverick City has been in my prayers for a long time. Remember when that stuff first started? It was deeply refreshing to see young people gather together and sing praises to the Lord. And then we saw that turn into celebrity and then, you know, now it's turning to Kirk Franklin doing a Tootsie Roll to, you know, now behold the lamb. Like what the heck are we doing here? Did we get here? In Salini prayer and those young people are dealing with things and any pastors, they need biblical faithful pastors. That's what they need. However, going back to the beginning, they were gathered. Arm in arm singing praises to the Lord. And in this little clip, Charlie dates just a quick slander towards that because it sounds more like y'all music than it does like our music. That's the way it was when our pianist. This is the day we didn't care who we were singing to. We didn't. The hearts that were being lifted in that time during. You have. Who had never stepped foot in church. Playing worship music on their iPod. Singing songs to the Lord. Or singing songs about the Lord. You have to be in Christ to sing songs to the Lord. But they were doing that. And when it comes down to the songs that are fruitful, that are biblically rooted. I think that that is incredibly. It is a testament to the beauty of the Lord's church, but when things are all black, it can get slandered very easily. 'cause it's not black enough. And here's the secret y'all you never will be. You never will be. So to the people who are climbing tooth or nail, who are bending over backwards to make sure that you are. Forgiven. You never will be. To the people who are doing their penance and they're blacking out their profile pictures and their. All these other things to make sure people accept you as a white American, even though you're not black, you never will be accepted. Truly, all the work that you're doing, all the people you're slandering, you'll never be accepted. It'll never be enough. Because for men. The void of forgiveness. It can't be filled by another man's apology. That's. #2, they don't want it to be filled because then they lose their leverage for power. Victimhood is powerful. And people who have been victimized know it. That's why forgiveness is controversial. That's why Jesus, the King of Glory, is controversial. Because he takes care of two of those two things. One. He rightfully tackles the void with himself. He accurately fills the void #2. He didn't hold on to his power, but he condescended and came down the earth as a servant. To serve, not be served, and to give his life as a ransom for many. So though this is the biggest threat to the church here in America, I am confident because of the Lord's word that it won't prevail. And that even when it comes down to flaky back and forth things like Maverick City Music, for a glimpse of it, the Lord uses it to the praise of his glory because he will use his church. He will use his church. And so my prayer is that you would be deeply encouraged as well by that take part in it. Stand firm in the faithfulness. Of being in his flock. Stand firm in the truth of Scripture. Stand firm in the fact that your identity is in Christ, not in your skin. Stand up against bullies who tell you that. Work on the cross is not finished. You must keep doing work. Stand against it. Black brothers and sisters, stop promulgating this nonsense. Fight against it on behalf of our White Brothers and sisters, in the same way that our White brothers and sisters fought on our behalf. Ancestors were locked up in cages because the Lord's church is 1. She's unified and she will be glorified and the world will Marvel. Holler at me