Black and Blurred
Bringing clarity to the blurred view on personhood, ethnicity and culture through the lens of two Christian brothers from Baltimore.
Black and Blurred
#177 2024 Sweep: Keep or Toss Last Year's Highlights
We give you our miniature 2024 highlights, B&B edition. These things that we remember from 24' either need to be thrown in the trash or brought into 2025 with us? What say you? What are some things we missed? What needs to be thrown away or brought with us?
Here's to 2025, Lord Willing!
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Hosts: Brandon and Daren Smith
Website: www.blackandblurred.com
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Black and blurred.
That's there, I said.
I said it early that time.
Yeah, that's crazy. That's crazy. That's we're back with another episode. We've been trying to work out some kinks of being in separate spaces. One is Darren's timing in the high. Send us a message if you think that his timing has gotten slower is trash, or both. Send send us a message and let us know. Guys this is. First episode of 2025. I don't even say happy New Year to you. Happy New Year, happy New Year.
How was the thing? Was yours please.
John flake. I hope you're listening to this, John you Flake. And. Sam and Abby cane, OK.
Did a kid stay away or Willis and Olivia or anybody? Nobody.
Nah, Nah, they were tired.
Oh, OK. The Parker and Nicholas stay away.
We didn't even say awake. Ohh. Sammy, have you sitting on the couch looking at us sleep?
That's hilarious.
Oh, man, yeah, we we let the boys grow. And Nicholas, we let them stay up. Nicholas was. She he is built like Tolani. He can't hang at all, but he made it. He made it so that he could drink his apple cider. Sparkling cider that he's.
Yeah, that's it.
I had me about early.
So good. So he could so he.
Happy pregame.
Yeah. Dan has a very unhealthy infatuation with sparkling cider. Has been years old over over multiple decades.
Yeah. Grape juice. Soda.
It's been the case.
Are you kidding me?
Yeah, it's it's a, it's a very unhealthy infatuation. So before we get into this episode, let's do some some, some housekeeping. I want to be more intentional about reminding people ways that they can support our podcast because like I said, we're ramping things up. Am taking responsibility to hold on to a lot of this and build it. And you know, turn this into a ministry of its in and of itself, and hopefully that will allow us to be able to get some St. time with some folks that we've been wanting to do for some years now. It just. Is another. Has really worked out. I would love to be able to get some St. time with like college students and people of Baltimore City and things like that to bring these topics to them and let the people watch. But yeah, small ways. Very small ways that you can be supporting this podcast is by. Rating our podcast on your respective programs. Spotify, Apple, whatever it is, and all the in between. Rate them and comment if that's applicable on your on that platform. It helps the podcast get noticed. It helps the episodes get. That's just a very small, non taxing way, non laborious way of supporting our podcast. Way is this podcast and all that we do is 100% crowdfunded. Know. We're in the world of creator content and everything else you see, thumbnails. You see videos. That stuff takes a lot of man hours, even man. My thumbnail game has gotten crazy. Going to. You that remember my first thumbnail.
But but still I hate doing. I would rather be able to pay somebody to do those things, but we don't have the funds to do that yet until we until we get to the place that you guys would only be able to take us where we have. Larger support base to be able to pay people to do those things, and the benefit of that is it allows us to focus on content creation. It allows us to focus on content creation and get more creatives in the way that we even provide content and what that content is so you can support us on we have our PayPal link in the episode details and we also have Patreon. If you just want to do a one time support thing, then we have a. PayPal, if you want to support the podcast ongoing, we have Patreon. We want to provide you high level videos. Love the fact that our video watching experience. Is different from our podcast watching experience. I mean people. Was the last video episode we did there.
Wicked was that.
I was, yeah.
Yeah. I mean we got multiple comments from people who were glad they both watched the video and listened to the podcast. Two different experiences and I love being able to provide that for you, but that is very taxing. Takes a lot of work. It takes a lot of editing, it takes a lot of content creation in order to provide content creation so. We would love to be able to bring people in to do those things, but we don't have the funds to do that quite yet on a consistent basis. It gets very expensive, very. So all of this information you can find in our episode details. On the podcast you're listening to. You can just hit. You can look at the episode details and you'll see our information. You'll see our birdspot website. Stuff you can go to those things and find out information on ways that you can support us. Another way to support us is. By giving a one time donation via RP PayPal, we have a podcast black and blurred PayPal that is also in our episode detail details. You can give whatever amount that you are led to give out of the kindness of your heart and we are gratefully appreciative of it. We are genuinely appreciative of it. Whatever you choose to give. But those are the main ways that you can support. And lastly, if you know somebody who loves. To support podcast creators, Christian content creators and things like that, push them our way because we would love to be able to grow this podcast or continue to grow. We've already seen growth. Would love to be able to continue to grow it and to got to to the glory of God. Last thing on YouTube we are being more intentional on our YouTube page, so we're uploading content on our YouTube and we have reached weekday. We cracked over 1000 subscribers for the. I think it's just been dedicated to two months, two months of very serious and we've uploaded things on YouTube, but we weren't trying to be, you know, YouTube on on YouTube. So we appreciate you guys who have come and gone and subscribed. Us guys continue to support us.
Liking and commenting sharing the episodes. Unsubscribe if you haven't already and we thank you guys for all the support that we experienced in 2024. I'm not going another day further without mentioning this. Did some thank yous. I shouted out some people, some day ones who have just been support, very support. Man, I can't think right now. Too late. Supporting. We've been very supporting. And I was like, and I'm like, I know I'm leaving some people out. Know I'm forgetting and I forgot to shout out Rihanna and her husband. Oh yeah, who have been extremely. Supporting. On social media supporting us in the podcast and in also joining us for an episode to share the journey. Share the battles that she's fighting and where you how she's fighting on the front lines. With that as a wife, as a mother. And also as a sister in the Faith waging war in the Kingdom of Darkness. We appreciate you. Thank you for your support. Continue, support and prayers to them as well as they continue to just be faithful in their ministry as husband and wife, as mother and father and also as siblings in the faith. OK. So this is what we're doing this episode. We're going to look back on 20/20. There were some highlights and some low lights. We're going to look just at those things that got our attention and we're going to make a decision on whether or not we want to bring it with us to 2025 or throw it in the 2024. Can and keep it there?
And keep it. Do you have one in mind to start us off with all of 2024 from January 1 to December 31st?
I say we keep it. Anonymous until we play the video.
Until we play the video. But here's the thing though. I feel. This is not in a particular order.
That's fine. OK.
OK. So let's do this one and let's just let's I'm. Play this. I'm gonna play this, and if you have one. That you.
Go from light to heavy I guess.
From light to. Gosh, I don't know if we.
Hello. I mean there's some heavier things on here that are more serious than others.
Right, right. OK. Let's do. I'll, I'll, I'll. We'll, we'll, we'll do this.
And I'm going to continue to move until we get the total band. Total initiative relative to what we're going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.
Trump I. Hey Cortana.
Really don't know what he said at the end of this.
I don't think he knows what he said either. Look.
I mean, here's the thing. I think if you watch Trump's face throughout that, if you watch Trump's face, he's genuinely.
Yeah. Trying to figure out what he's.
You know trying.
To figure out what's happening, look at him. I mean he.
Started shaking his head like, yeah, I got nothing. Didn't get.
Yeah. Like, yeah, yeah.
I couldn't get it.
I mean.
So I'm trying to figure. What we want to categorize this as and so that it can fit the context of the question that says, hey, are we bringing this with us in 2025 or are we throwing it in the trash?
I think I said yes. I said we bring it with us 'cause. It's a receipt.
Oh, I like that. Take OK.
It's yeah, it it's a receipt because.
Hear it?
That was vindication. For everyone and not but not out of just jest or out of slander to Joe Biden.
Mm. Mm.
But a lot of people were concerned about him earlier on way before now, before he got elected, people were like.
He said truth or the facts? You know, these are these are things that he had so many blunders and people like. Is he OK? Is he well?
Throughout his presidency.
Yeah, he before when he was running.
Yeah, not just at the base. Yeah, right. True. Yeah.
He was in a great what's crazy is that he was. Lot sharper. And people still saw. Wait a second, Joe. Flattered. OK.
Something wrong?
And and the whole time the media told us and his wife and all of his running his people in his cabinet. He's fine. Perfect. He's all Democrats and politicians saying he was fine and now on this debate stage, the entire world sees he is in fact not fine.
And overnight, the story was made.
Overnight. Yeah, yeah. And then they decided. To very undemocratically put Kamala Harris in his place.
Right. So this is what I'm going to. We throw in the trash because there's a lot around this. There's gas lighting right now. I thought that we we can put this in any category where we can highlight the gas. But. Everybody saw it. It's. We shouldn't be talking about it, right? We shouldn't be. We shouldn't be. Asking whether or not we're we've got it. I mean. One thing that makes me sick outside that even expands extends past this conversation is. Conversation with a Christian who is progressive and they end up. Using Christian ethics against you incorrectly, of course. But still they use it against you by saying hey, for you to think that something's wrong with Joe Biden is not kind. That's just not kind I've had. I was so mind boggled by that type of response when people said what do you think about Joe Biden? I said I think he.
More ways than one, but generally I'm just talking about health wise. He's sick.
And like, how could you say that? I don't.
As if that's slanderous.
Yeah, I don't.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't like and and maybe I know I miss it because I also don't see what's wrong calling somebody ********. You know, I mean if.
They're actually.
That's what I'm saying.
You don't call somebody ******** who's actually ********, or you don't call them a ******. That's bad taste.
Right, right.
You call your friend. OK, but but but. The thing. It's like since when do people dictate? When in how often we say things that are true, you know what I mean. And so just like that proof overnight, we're not allowed to address the obvious that the current. President is sick. Beyond his official capacity.
Alright, and this is exactly why the 25th Amendment exists not for COVID or anything like that.
For you know. It could be. It could be just genuine general health and I'm I'm concerned that. The many people that claim to care about him around him didn't. Him not at all. That's the same goes with the other guy, the. Man, I can't think of his name right now. Who kept freezing on camera?
Oh oh man. I forget my mind's not thinking right now. Yeah. Gosh, it was almost, yeah.
He's lurking like a stroke.
My. Wow, that's gonna bother me this whole episode. Well, we have a lot of listeners yelling his name right now. That's fine. You know, we hear. All right, let's move on. Let's move on. Highlights low lights of 2024 things to throw in the trash, things to take with us. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we can possibly take this one, Mitch. McConnell. McConnell, there you go. You for that.
So I think this. The highlight of the Olympics for me.
Yeah, for sure.
I did not know.
Yeah. Yeah. First of all, I didn't know they were swimming under there.
Go ahead.
It's riding water. And and shaking off.
Look at them bro. What does that mean? What does that mean? And here's and here's why we need to bring it with us in 2025.
Because because of this faux war.
Between men and women that Satan has been doing since the beginning.
It has made women hate the things that they can actually do and covet the things that men can do. And obviously vice. I mean probably majority vice versa, you got more men thinking they're women today than women thinking of men, but. So what ends up happening is. They felt completely under the radar.
Now, I'm not saying that synchronized swimming is only a woman thing, but why can't we celebrate this team of women who just did some incredible stuff? It's because we've lowered we or we've raised the bar on what we can call beautiful and celebratory and only things. The only thing celebratory when it comes down to a woman doing them are things that she has done to us. A man's role in society.
That's it.
That's how you end up with movies like the union with Halle Berry. Cue the footage. She looks 60 years old, running in that movie. Y'all watch. Did y'all watch it like I told you to?
No. What is it on?
It's on Netflix.
It's a Netflix film there.
Told me it was bad.
That's the way we roll. You know, that's how we work.
I can't remember the last time I told you. Watch a good film.
Well. And you know. The Olympics in general. That was, you know, just like in 20/20/2019 to 2020, where they were using sports to divide people. And they did that, this a past Olympics, trying to divide people. But things like that, they know that naturally unifies people. All right. You know, you got doesn't matter what country it is.
Absolutely incredible.
Got people from all over the world training to do stuff like that.
Right for for. For accolades, entertainment. And it brings people together. About that is divisive.
Right. Nothing about. Yeah, right.
Now throw a man in there. You know what I mean now, OK.
Mm hmm.
Now we got something to argue about. And it's usually over truth. So yeah, yeah.
So bring that with us, I say. Bring people doing things excellently, over to 2025. Care what it is. But do it excellently. So I know you said from light to. I'm gonna cheat a little bit unless you have one in mind.
MMM. I can't pull it up right. So go to.
No. Is it the one we already have keyed up?
Mia. Mea culpa. No. Oh no.
Oh no. I don't want to be a part of this. Speaking of the way we roll. Now wait a. Who was the one that shared this movie?
Talon he shared it with me.
Oh really?
I think I think I think.
I'm the one that shaded with her.
Oh really?
Yeah, I'm. I'm the one.
I mean, I I can't believe this movie.
No. OK, so. Here's the thing. What what we're doing is I think that the question we have on on board is what we're doing with Tyler Perry from 2024 and 2025.
What a waste of paint.
It. What are we doing with Tyler Perry here? And and that's going to be our. Question that's going to be the question going to be answering.
Mr. Malloy, this is Mia Harper. I'd like to meet with you to discuss. Your case.
What the prosecution has is pretty damning.
I know that you have an eye for details, so don't leave anything out.
Not watching that whole thing. Now here's the thing.
I cannot believe it.
It. Hey. Hey, guys.
Guess what? There is no case you understand. Movie over. There's no case mystery here.
There's no case, it's a bad film, but.
That's his Forte, you. Know I'm going to try to be OK. OK. OK, stop. People can know I'm not joking.
Him, though, look at him like focal butter on.
So people can know I'm not joking. I think Tyler Perry is a very bad film director. I genuinely believe. I believe it with all of my heart, with all of my heart and soul. Is a Bud film director. He does not know. How to make a good film? I know there are people who disagree with me. That's. That's where we leave. We disagree, but. Outside of that. I think what I dislike the most. Are the stereotypes. That he thinks of good, quote UN quote black film ought to have, you know, what makes a good film. Here's the thing. This is Hollywood in general, right? Hollywood says. What's gonna make a good film? Let's get some people yelling while they're naked and people dying. Then we got a good film. Like OK. You're just sick of that period. This takes the cake.
It's unreal. I mean, if there's some scenes in that thing that got you scratching your head, I mean. It's like a vampire party underneath his apartment, and I mean, just what in the world is going on?
The worst π ever.
1st π. I mean, it's just umm. Here's the thing. And you're gonna have to remind me, right? Gonna have to remind me what's the what's also this? What was? Synopsis there's a I should read. Should I?
The whole. Is she's a lawyer. She's a lawyer. The black dude with the cocoa butter on is a painter who paints a bunch of women. He just paints a bunch of women. Everyone in the movie. In fact, he's painted them. There's a girl, a woman who broke up with him because he painted her and she moved to the Dominican Republic.
Wearing this.
Only this.
And she happened to run into her on vacation.
OK, a criminal defense attorney unhappy in her marriage finds herself seduced by her mysterious new client. An artist accused of murdering his. All right, so now this is what people need to know. You know, I you gonna have. You gonna have to check me. 'cause. I don't want to stay too long on this. Doesn't deserve it. But in a sense, people need to know 'cause. I'm sick of it. We throw it in the trash. You make these movies.
Well, great. All of it, yeah.
That are so like up here, you know, basically guys the the, the the an example is this right and our microphones we set our microphones to a certain level so that when we're talking it doesn't sound like this every time I'm talking because you'd be sick of that. So our level has to be adjusted. And thus is the case when you're directing a film that you can't have climactic action happening at the on the front credits. But that's what he does. Where you know the opening credits come and then she's out to dinner with her family. And who is that family? While it's her husband, apparently, and her mother-in-law, who is literally treating her like.
Allows abuse. Yeah.
And so the husband is like this neutered pet. While his mother, go ahead, go ahead.
Yeah, 'cause he. He doesn't know how to do anything subtly, like we can get it.
No, no, no.
We can like on film, you don't have to portray someone being mean to someone.
But we can infer it.
It can be as subtle as what's a face.
Yeah, we can infer. For it.
I mean to straight. Say, oh, look at her down. Look like a. German shepherd, like. OK, that's blatantly mean.
You may as well just lighten your script. This is me being mean to you.
I want a divorce. I.
Yeah, I'm being mean to you.
Can you censor?
Right, yeah.
It's just I'm so sick of it and it's so over the top and it's not believable. No one would stand for that. No one would stand for that. But that's the way it is in all of his films, and it's this dirt for nothing husband. Now, don't they exist? But in Tyler Perry's world, good guys don't. At best, they're questionable.
I mean, you know.
Right, right.
It's like what in the world, man? So yes, so in the trash fill kerosene on it and take all of your Diddy C DS. Put that in that trash too, and light it on fire. Speaking of which.
Speaking of Diddy.
What we have next on the list?
Free new video appears to support some of the accusations of abuse against music mogul Shawn Diddy called.
This video you're about to see is extremely. The surveillance footage that was captured inside of a Los Angeles hotel in 2016 allegedly shows Combs assaulting then girlfriend Cassie Ventura in a hallway. A now settled lawsuit filed by Ventura claimed that she was trying to leave the hotel after a drunken Combs punched her. Video appears to show Combs chasing her down the hall floor of the ground and repeatedly kicking her. So far, there's been no comment from Combs. Attorney.
Now you know what's interesting is that you can be caught on camera.
If you are.
Ray Rice. Baltimore Ravens running back. And if you're caught on camera with you and your wife fighting, obviously you win the fight for obvious reasons. And you will have everything stripped from you.
Not only that, there will be news channels. Who demean you? And smear you. Now. I'm not saying unwarrantedly. They did. Yeah. I mean, whatever judgment people made, they deserved it. And removed. Your job, which is to carry a ball. That's his. It was his job to carry a ball and run fast and they say you're no longer suited to do that. But for some reason, when you're Sean Combs, you can be on camera. Not having a fight with a woman, but beating her, chasing her down, attacking her. Attacking her? Yeah. Attacking her and dragging her back to her chambers or whatever that is. Alright, but everything's. Everything's all good now, you know, 'cause Beyoncé performed in Houston. Which she never said anything about that right her friend. That's our friend. That was her friend. Heard a. Of football players talking about Ray Rice. Right. Yeah, we heard a lot. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. No. All the actors came out with that cringe thing. I might have to find that. No, but yeah, you. You had a lot of people who came out and spoke against what took place. But when it comes to Diddy. How much did we hear regarding that video?
Not much video just came out as tea on on Tiktok, and that's about it.
Not much. Yeah. Yeah. The team. That's right.
Along with TD. Yeah, along with TD Jakes.
Spilling the tea. And so I wonder, these friends of Diddy, if they're friends of Cassie too. Because they were together, they were. Were a couple right. And so if they're an actual couple and she was not his slave, the Cassie's friend too. Because they just watched. Happen to their friend on camera. Seriously. Now that's to. I think that's to be expected. Hollywood, right? Hollywood does. They dwell in the darkness while shining brightly. You can give your take. Mine is this. This is what I'm saying to flow in the trash. Flow in the. The idea that that's not who your idols are. Throw that in the trash, but you should be in shock and awe over Diddy being the type of person who would chase a woman down, beat her, and drag her back to A room. Throw that in the trash. What would you say to throw in the trash regarding that? Or are you taking something? To 25 with it. What are you saying?
Yeah, bring the case is 25.
Yeah. Welcome.
Put all these people in jail. But I would say throwing the trash. Just the idolatry of celebrities.
Like, stop caring what they. What they think when it's folding time. Yeah, that's nobody cares. Stop caring about what they say. That's the first thing they do is is parade out people like Diddy to say go vote.
Mm. Vote or die.
But yeah, vote or die. It was Diddy's thing and and of course they always mean a certain way. Don't mean go for it first.
Republicans yeah. Vote based on your principles.
Know what?
Not what you tell you to do.
Exactly. These are the kind of people whose whose morals you're aligning with.
Correct, correct.
Vote like them away. You know what I mean? Like.
Correct. Also, these are the type of people where all you have to do is search the music and he describes what you saw in that video. I mean, his music isn't about, you know, one love. You all come together. Come on, everybody sit Indian style. Eat and share. And eat ice cream cones. His music is a derivative of his mindset or the mindset of those who ghostwrite form, which is the same mindset. That's what we celebrate. That's what we're. Throw it in the trash. I threw it on the ground. OK, moving on. Do you have one 'cause I have one.
No, I was looking right now.
OK, this is you wanna say it?
I wanna say it. I don't wanna say I want you. Wanna just just do.
It alright, do it then. It I I can't. Is it is interviewing?
OK. Do what we talked about.
Oh, I need time. Well, you go and then I'll queue. One up alright.
So this is gonna be controversial for people. I'm on board and I'm a stand. But my highlight of. 2024 one of my highlights of 2024 is the new Candace Owens. And how she has brought tinfoil hats into mainstream fashion. And what I mean by that is I think that if you haven't listened to her podcast, you should. Because this is not pop culture type stuff where it's like, oh, this is interesting reptilian people. This is real life stuff like, hey, for a long time, there's been this thing called the USS Liberty, and the story goes that Israel is Israel, Israel by mistake and identity destroyed this. Aircraft carrier this naval aircraft carrier and it's been confirmed that it was Israel that did it and they did it by Matt by mistake. Was mistaken identity. And then there have been tinfoil hat people who say no. That's not the case. It was an attack by Israel on the US and the US covered it up. And then those have been the two warring parties. Meanwhile, what is Candice doing on her show? Well, she has a survivor of the USS Liberty on her show. And he tells his story. And the story is that they were attacked by someone they thought was friendly. So the point is that Candace, no matter how you feel about her, which previous, like the Daily Wire, Candice, even at the daily wire, I started to look at her a little bit differently because I'm like, oh wow, this is a bit different. Still, she was a conservative voice, right? That's it. That's all it. It's just it's a conservative voice to root for the red team, you know, versus the blue team and we could perpetuate that divide, make him look silly. You know the, you know, get life is hard. A helmet. I'm too pregnant for this. Which that's a viable clip. It's cool. It's funny. And these kids need to hear that sometimes, but at the end of the day, that's all it was to me. Was just a. I'm not AI was on a Candace Owens fan. I'm a fan of this. I'm. I'm a 100% fan. Of her seeking out what's true, even if it means she stumbles across what's wrong. She's seeking out what's true because journalists today aren't doing that. They're not doing it. Someone said that France. You have a video to play. Someone said that France's. President was married to a male, she said. You're crazy. Investigated it and then had the journalist on her show that broke the story. With chronic, unmistakable evidence.
And what is? You said last week about. Her having people like that on her show kind of protects them in a way.
It does protect them in a way.
Because in in behind the scenes they can just get killed in a bathtub somewhere.
And we'll never know who they.
Are and you'll never know who they. But if they're on YouTube, on Candice's big YouTube channel.
Now be a lot harder for all of a sudden they go missing. After they tell their story.
So here's one of the more recent episodes she did towards the end of. 24. And this is on. How the moon landing was faked?
Into it. Let's let's actually watch that clip of his testimony.
I've never known my dad to lie.
For context, the voice you're listening to now is the sun. NYS. Ide of. Sports and his son uploaded this video.
To get caught, wine was worse than whatever it was you did to begin with. Remember, going to school with long sleeve shirts on? To hide. Purple welts. You did not lie in our house, that's for sure. Had a real. Really bad attitude towards lying. Excuse me again. Umm. Anyway, this is this is the story that my dad told me on his deathbed. Project Slam Dunk was the name of this. President Johnson in 1968. OK. In Cannon Air Force Base in 1968, he said. That. By the time he got there that there was already two large hangars that were connected. There was hundreds of dump trucks came in and dumped sand and. Stone. And cement power was powdered over the top of all that to make it look like a lunar landscape. They had men that fashioned it into a lunar landscape, he said. OK, I've never known my dad to lie, so this all took me. Surprise, you know. What's that all about? So anyway umm, he said that in front of the airplane hangars was pull framing with large canvas tents that was concealing the inside of the staging area. Inside the staging area. On flatbed trucks was on created the lunar Lander that was assembled, reassembled back inside the hangars. All of the walls were painted flat black. And the ceilings as well. He was sworn to secrecy by the NSA and they would put him in prison for breaking that oath. And Dad saw the the moon landing on TV. Cried he. He knew that what he had witnessed on TV was exactly what they recorded in that hangar.
So. That's what Candace Owens podcast is basically like. These individuals are coming on here and offering eyewitness testimony. To age-old quote UN quote conspiracy theories. Where it's gonna be very easy to dismiss this guy and and anybody else who corroborates his story and the guest on Candace Owens who brought this video up that same guest on Kansas owns episode. Got into a scuffle with a NASA astronaut, a part of the Moon Landing mission, supposedly. And he. He's made it a mission to go out and find these astronauts and ask them to put their hand on the Bible and swear that they landed on the moon. To which but a response from Buzz Aldrin was a right cross. He punched him. In the second astronaut in his house, they got. A. The guy tried to beat him up in his. He and his camera guy got out of there, but he dropped his microphone. And so they caught on a hot mic. This astronaut and his son talking in their own house. And the Sun asked his father dead. Should we get the CIA to whack him? He plays all of this on Candace Owens podcast. That's what that is. And I wanna see. Of it. Not necessarily. This dark stuff continually, but I'm just saying I want to see more people who are out for the truth. I want to see people who are out for the truth.
I mean, it's good to eat.
What you going to? I would say yeah, throw in the trash. This idea of wanting information quickly. Candace Owens podcast does not do is tell you what to think.
Right. That's right.
It gives you information and then you process the information and do with with it what you. Yeah, it's not gonna tell you what to think, but nowadays we just want information that tells us the conclusion. So that you can think a certain way. That. Throw that away.
Throw it in trash.
That's dumb.
Throw it in the trash.
This is. Journalism is getting information and giving it to the public.
That's right.
The public listen to the information and does what they want with it and not telling you what to think and you can see why.
And. Can that's right. That's kicking a hornet's nest because she's already. From her job, she's recreated her own platform. She had a platform at Dailywire, got fired from that and then immediately built a / 3,000,000 subscriber platform. On her own channel and then immediately was demonetised on YouTube indefinitely in perpetuity. So the videos are on YouTube for mere information purposes. So doesn't even make any money on them.
What's the name channel is about to be like that too? Who? Brett Cooper. She starts her own thing.
Yeah, yeah. When she starts own thing, Brooke is going to be the same way. But that's the world. In bringing the bring into 2025. People who recognize their celebrity and they use it for good. They use it for good, whether or not you agree they're using it for good, hopefully. At least that's their aim, and the reason we want that whether or not you agree is because they'd be willing to listen. If you have an actual point towards the direction they ought to be going for true good, they'd be willing to listen. So you want more people like that? You want people to use your celebrity. All right, Dan, you've got one queued up after this one, we'll do. Are we at 45 minutes? We'll do one more after this one, maybe 20. The bridge. Our listeners who aren't watching the video right now, this is the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsing. In Baltimore, MD, Charm City. The city of the Star Spangled Banner. Yeah, it's pretty wild. Still driving by and seeing a piece of that bridge just in the water. Hmm.
Yeah, I mean. There was a lot of conspiracy around it. Nothing ever really came of it. Was. Probably I. You know a a, A giant. What do you call those things like query though? Containers. I don't know what you call them, yeah.
Yeah, I don't know.
The bridge, apparently a lot of people were saying. Shouldn't happen. I tend to agree. Shouldn't happen but. I hadn't really looked into like the conspiracies and what it may mean and why it would happen.
As far as transport goes and strikes go, and all, all types of stuff, the Francis Scott Key Bridge is is a big bridge for transportation. Transporting things to and from Maryland, yeah.
To the US.
Stop. The US, yeah, yeah. So yeah, there's a lot of money. There's some conspiracy, always, but it's only memorable and it kind of hits. It hits home for. It's what we obviously didn't grow up near franchise Scott, Keith Bridge, but.
We know the bridge very well.
OK before I end. We have some honorable mentions. Low lights of 20/24/2024. Men beating up on women, either in competition or literally. Men doing this under the guise of womenhood we throw that in the trash and we need to leave it. In 2024, we saw it in the Olympics. We saw the messaging in the opening of the Olympics.
I can't find that video for nothing. It's gone.
And the.
You. Yeah, they're.
They're not using that. Gone. But here's the thing. Let me see. I wonder if I still have it. Don't think I do. Oh, I do good. The reason I'm highlighting that specifically is because the Olympics there was a lot of misinformation just thrown on. After watching stuff with our own eyes. We watched things with our own eyes and then misinformation was piled on us. So we watched. This very masculine looking person beat up. On a woman. And then we were flooded with misinformation. And I think that that's none of the listeners fault. That's a part of the deception where it's like, hey, you don't know what's happening here. And here's a bunch of misinformation because journalists today aren't being journalists. And so people are each other's. Like, hey, now that's actually a act that's actually a biological woman.
And she was Born This Way.
And then other people like, no, it's. It's a male, but it's been confirmed it was male. He's a male that's been confirmed. That's been confirmed. All of that came after the opening ceremony. All the fuss about that? Remember the misinformation given to us after that? This is what I want to throw in the trash. I want to throw in the trash the courage of Christians only when it comes to protesting Christians.
Fighting other Christians.
Yeah, I want to throw that in the trash. I want to throw it in the trash with your Bible that you apparently don't read. Because that courage is really cowardice. It really is. At the end of the day, doesn't it make sense for a Christian to be offended by things in this world? Now to the Christians. I don't think you need to cause a fuss. You don't need to raise your voice like you're entitled to feeling comfortable in this world. It is a dying world and you're a son of the living God or daughter of the living God. Adjust. However, it bothers me when Christians respond with such vitriol towards Christians who disagree with the world doing Pagan things. Didn't we watch with our own eyes? The this remaking of the quote UN quote Last Supper.
And who's? Guy who broke down. What the what? Thing said in front in front.
You have a table.
Yeah, Americans get gasoline so easily.
Literally says the table behind the OR. It was. It was a river behind that's called something.
Yeah, it was the dinner on the river.
Sorry, yeah.
Supper on the supper on the river. It was a play on words, but yeah, we after we watched it with our own eyes, millions of people from forensic evidence are in agreement of what they watched. Then the guy with the pin. Is who creates the discord. Oh, that's not the Last Supper. That's this other Pagan deity being worshipped. Relax, Christians. If that's better. Meanwhile, not only did we see that with our own eyes, don't forget this, Dan. We had these things.
There were receipts.
It was a bunch of receipts. Now, what happened during that opening ceremony is. Did have a blackout. Except for a church was the only thing lit. This here in this picture you can see oh wait is that still showing on this picture on the left? I'm not gonna blow it up, but deep back you can see that this is. This is what's being highlighted in all that darkness, this church. But let's move on.
Let's move on.
This is what it was. Yeah. The opening ceremony has stoked outrage, featured a scene reminiscent of Leonardo da Vinci's the Last Supper. The iconic depiction of Jesus last May with his disciples before his death and resurrection. The song King played loudly as a lesbian wearing a crown was depicted as Jesus, surrounded by men and drag, one of whom was a bearded man. With long blonde hair who later danced suggestively down a catwalk, much like a stripper would do, the catwalk was in front of the Last Supper table, where a young girl stood near the men injured. Greg at the center featured Butch who posed nude on the cover of the French weekly magazine Tellurama in 2020. Yeah, the. Butch's attorney released a statement that she had been extremely she's been the target of extremely violent campaign of cyber harassment and defamation. And obviously that's very possible because there are evil people out here who do things in the name of, quote UN quote what's good. But that's not true. But what they were gaslighting us is to say that it had nothing to do with the Last Supper. Meanwhile, what Butch shared when Butch shared on the Instagram the opening ceremony, they said this. Oh. Oh yes, the new gay testament. Why did we have such a long, drawn out argument on whether or not this is about the Last Supper? Why did that last so long?
Try again.
Throw in the trash. Christians who have courage only when it's against other Christians. Throw that in the trash.
Throw that in the trash. I'm not out here. Distraught that that was the opening ceremony. But I don't like it either. I'm a loud. I'm allowed for that to be the case. I'm not calling my mayor up, would not what I call him for.
I'm not calling him up. But it is affirming and it's reassuring that the local gathering of the sheep is where I need to find my unity and my fellowship. And that's why it burns us up so much that there's discord there, too. In a lot of different gatherings. All right, that was my. What's it called? Honorable mention, did you have one or you want me? Just go to the last one.
I don't have one, OK.
I'll say Caitlin Clark, given feminism a wedgie. Killing. Bring that into 2025. You know, before Caitlyn Clark, you know NBA versus. It's you men who are oppressive and you need to support the WNBA because we want the WBA to reach a peak of excellence. We want all eyes on WNBA. Deserve. We deserve. We deserve all these other endorsements. Deserve more money. WNBA. Give us more money. We deserve it. And then Kaitlyn Clark comes in. And she ends up becoming a gateway to all of those things. They say we don't want it. Get your white **** out of here.
I mean that's true.
Ohh man yeah it's funny. It's funny how Satans banquet works. Alright, so this is where we'll end. This is where we will end. Let's run this. Yes.
Day pretty hard to believe Democrats in the media are taking a page from their old playbook, ramping up the anti Trump rhetoric and comparing him to Hitler and other dictators. Check out these recent headlines. Trump is speaking like Hitler. Stalin and Mussolini Trump's rhetoric is fascist and violent and Trump is straight up talking like a Nazi. Those are. Headlines from real left wing publications. Totally irresponsible. And here's what Democrats and the liberal media are saying.
I know it's a loaded word, but when you say you're going to be dictator on day one, I mean, look up the definition of fascism, the characteristics of a dictator, an authoritarian, I mean, General Millie said it himself, but Trump again.
Reinforced it. So I I don't think it's overstating.
This is stuff from the 1930s.
This is Hitler stuff.
Yes, he is.
An authoritarian figure.
General Mark Miley was quoted saying Donald Trump is fascist to the core.
Is driving Harris to support this language publicly.
I mean, it's the. It's what people believe, and I think that she wants the American people to really take a hard look at who she is running against and who could be the president in charge of the nuclear codes.
Yeah. I mean, he's a fuel guy. He's a very animalistic human being.
I think.
This one is.
Don't risk it with this.
Is dangerous talk.
This is the talk of dictators.
Really. Respond.
What would you say? Are we throwing something in the?
So what?
Are we bringing something in 2025?
We can do all right in the trash. That's trash.
Are. You know. People don't believe them. Majority of the country doesn't believe them. That's what it is. Doesn't persuade anybody. Once again, that's the opposite of what Candace Owens is doing. Candace Owens would interview a bunch of people close to Donald Trump and allow you to decide is he racist? Is he a fascist? Is he? They're just going to tell you he's. Believe us, if we say it enough, you'll accept it and believe it. That's called brainwashing. And if you believe it? Been brainwashed because you have no evidence.
Now I want you to hear what Darren is. Clearly we are not saying to throw the Democrats rhetoric about Trump in the trash. We're saying to throw away the negligent and careless speech about one another in the trash. That was levied. Or that was carried. A whole lot by. Progressive and Democrat journalists, but not exclude, not exclusively so. Not exclusively so. Well, we have become so negligent in the way that we talk about one another. Meanwhile, when somebody tells the truth, it's not allowed. So if we have a video which we have many where we say that Kamala and those who vote for her. Are voting to murder children. Our video gets taken down. Our video gets taken. Meanwhile, we can easily be labeled as rapists and misogynists and women haters. How does that work? Throw that in the trash. Go ahead, Dan. What you got to say?
No, I'm just gonna say that. Doesn't. I mean one is 1 is like those others are actions like. They're seeable like you can see someone.
And you can, you know, witness someone being racist where the other one is just an. It's an idea.
Right. You have to deduce it.
Yeah, it's an idea.
So they're not pit against each other.
Those are. Pit against each other where it's it's just as bad if I say that when you murder children, you're a child murderer. That's not the same as you calling me a racist. Right. They're not the same.
One is negligent, 1 is based on evidence.
It's based on evidence I could possibly deduce that you hate children. But forensically or factually, you would be a child murderer. If you murder children, that's just what that is.
Right, right.
And at the end of it all, that rhetoric is what led to the most. Yes, what I'm trying to trying to find a word that really encapsulates how this transpired. The most uncovered presidential assassination attempt in U.S. history.
It was it's mind boggling how that came and went. That we have lived in the we've in our lifetime, there's been AUS presidential assassination attempt multiple times. Yeah.
Yep, after an assassination attempt on his character for.
The last eight years.
For last eight years. And none of them came out and took responsibility for that.
No, it doesn't have. No. Yes, he has a dial down his rhetoric, right?
So we need to throw that stuff in the trash. We know the TV is going to do that. We know the TV is going to do that. Its job. That's why we applaud like we did in this episode of people like Candace Owens and things like that. Look, you disagree? Just. Keep going about your way and then keep watching.
Just going to be information. However, the sole purpose of these mainstream media outlets is for you to get to the point where you be willing to.
Your neighbor. That's the point. Throw that in the trash. Don't bring any of it with you in 2025 and we're looking forward to hanging with you guys in less 2025. Looking forward to all the different episodes we have. We have an episode coming up next week with a long time listener of Black and Blade. We also have an episode coming up, I think the week after that which is going to be a big, deeply encouraging episode that I'm going to. To share my story with you guys after. That, but we've got some great episodes lined up for you in the beginning of this year. Hopefully we'll. As well. Stay tuned. Continue to support the podcast. Do it in the cheapest way possible or in the sacrificial way. Either way, we are grateful
Thank for your prayers. You for. Thank you for this episode of Black where you can hear one of. Things our humble opinion...... FACTS!
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I said that mad early...