Black and Blurred
Bringing clarity to the blurred view on personhood, ethnicity and culture through the lens of two Christian brothers from Baltimore.
Black and Blurred
#174 There is More to 'Wicked' Than What Meets the Eye
We know. We know...Christian content creators and podcasters have been doing episodes on the new movie wicked ad nauseum. However, it is a guarantee you haven't heard an episode like this! We are joined again by our friend and sister in Christ, Amy from Eyes on the Right Podcast and with what started to be an analysis of the evil nature of Hollywood turned into a long journey down an all-too-familiar rabbit hole. Amy has provided counseling for victims of satanic ritual abuse and other trauma's connected to the entertainment industry.
It isn't often that Daren and Brandon are shocked...but Amy left them speechless!
Music: **We DO NOT own the rights to any of these songs or their music**
- Will I || from the motion picture RENT
- Shadowland || from The Lion King on Broadway
- Favorite Things || from The Sound of Music
- No Day But Today || from the motion picture RENT
- Not One of Us || from the motion picture The Lion King II
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Hosts: Brandon and Daren Smith
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Hey, guys.
Brandon here for you. Into this. This is going to be quite the episode on the newly released film, Wicked and adaptation of the Broadway Wicked. Now what we are doing is we are not. Doing an analysis on the movie, that's not what our intention. Our intention is to do an analysis only existence of such a movie. And what we ought to be seeing. Through eyes of discernment in the existence of things being produced in Hollywood, such as this film, now we do dive into some very interesting things that weren't expected to dive into. Stay tuned in this episode. Please listen through the whole. There are things that we do speculate, but the speculation is rooted in the conclusions that we draw. From very solid evidence. So that that's that's what I want to highlight that there's very solid evidence that then leads us to draw conclusions that are still in the speculative category and our aim in this episode is to really change your paradigm in which you see this world. Your paradigm, if you are a believer, should be that this world is a fallen one, needing redemption through Christ in that fallenness shows itself in a myriad of ways. So there are going to be some challenging things you hear in this episode, but we encourage you to stick with it and to engage in discernment in general. So I hope you enjoy this episode. Parental discretion is advised, and if you are listening with your child. Enjoy.
Remember this song, though, don't you?
Yeah. Yeah. You also remember when I found out what this play was about? I'm. To myself in the shower. Wait a second, huh?
I remember. I remember being at a church picnic and we had just gotten out of the the pool or something. Like that. And we were in the the main, the men's locker room. And it was like six of us.
Me, you, man butter. I mean, we were all in there and we were singing this at the top of our lungs.
Will I lose my dig-ni-ty?
And every one time, we really were just like. What the heck are they talking about? Seriously. Well, thank you guys. Back to black.
And blur.
This is another episode. Daren, I'm Brandon. Now I think that aspect of it where there's something we can actually blame our father for, we can actually blame him. We can blame him for being able to isolate literally instrumentation and care nothing for what words are saying. Because we can hear something, it can sound good.
And be like, oh, I like that.
And then probably years down the line, say, what the heck are they talking about? In the world. So in that. Real quickly, really quickly, Dan. What is your favorite musical?
Man. I'm trying to think of a of a genuine answer. I mean, there's so many musicals.
There are. There are.
Do Broadway plays count?
Yeah, they count.
OK, lion king... easily.
... the Broadway play.
And especially the music from the 1st and 2nd movies.
*music plays*
I would agree.
With that.
Yeah, I would agree with that.
Well, the reason I'm asking that question, the reason I even opened with fat film or whatever, it's a it's a it was a film it made. Was made of. Rent was turned into a. It was a Broadway musical is because we're talking about. Well, we're talking about a film today, but it became filmed from a musical. A lot of people have talked about ad nauseam, and it's wicked. We're talking about wicked, and I know a lot of Christian platforms. Podcasts have been talking about wicked, but we are going to be talking about it and probably. A different. There's going to be some overlap, but we've got a friend and sister with us here on black and blue once again, and I feel like we've been hanging out more recently, a lot, a lot more recently. But welcome back, Amy, from Eyes on the road.
Hi I'm glad to be here and I'm glad we're hanging out after.
Yeah, man, it's fun. It's fun.
These things are great.
Now let me ask you, you heard the question. Do you have a favorite musical? What is it?
You know, I I grew up loving this. I actually was in theater and stuff growing up, and I love all the old classics like Sound of Music and, you know, My Fair Lady and all those that were just.
I love. So yeah, I can't really pick 1 and I actually was in a theater production of grease so.
Really. As who? Oh, wow. OK, alright.
Yeah, as a extra. In high school, as a high school play. That's. Yeah, that's.
That's nice, yeah.
I like musicals, you know, so.
Like well, where where I I opened that cook. Or that song from rent.
Yeah, it's alright.
And. Darren, I mean, we were first introduced to rent through. Movie. We weren't familiar with the musical. Broadway musical.
No, no.
Right, yeah. Even even this much so we, even though we knew this song, we did not connect that that movie rent was where seasons of love came. From we had heard the song before.
Yeah, we heard seasons of love before we ever knew of rent, I think.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then after.
Watching the movie and hearing the music, I mean the music was fantastic in rent. I think it's absolutely fantastic. The instrumentation, the way they can build a song with the chords and progressions and things like that. But they're singing about, I think, just homosexuality and aids. And I'm not. I mean, is that too reductionistic of me or what?
Let me.
1000 Sweet kisses. That. I can't stand him, but because of that movie, if I see him anywhere else, I turn it off. I don't want him to sing.
I will follow you.
I don't wanna. You know. I don't want it. MS13 makes by.
I want I want to look at this really quickly because I wanted to see what other people were actually gathering from this song. Will. That was the opening song. I. Will I lose my dignity? Will someone? Will I wake tomorrow from this night? Mayor and the scene is there in this kind of support group of, I guess, AIDS survivors. They all have aids. Which is a very morbid movie to. Very kind of fluffy. You know, we're thinking about these people who have aids, which back in those days was a terminal. Illness.
But it's something that they're kind of celebrating about themselves. United in this either through drug abuse or. They have aids and they're making songs and singing about it and I'm thinking. This is very interesting, but let's see how other people are actually receiving. Now this is from 21 years ago. Look at this.
This song is so deep, even with its simplicity, because it reflects on the thoughts that run through the minds of people who have to live with the stigma of being different or. Especially sick. I love it. It's just a pity that the man who wrote all of these incredible songs couldn't be around to see the true glory of his Broadway presentation. Yeah, I forget his name. What his name was? Who wrote rent? But I think he died of AIDS. This song is actually based on, oh, there you go, Jonathan Larson. This song is actually based off of something that Jonathan Larson heard at an AIDS meeting that he went to with his best friend because his best friend has aids. A guy stood up and said I'm not afraid to die. And I'm not afraid to leave everyone behind. But I am afraid of losing my dignity. And he turned it into this beautiful song, he said. Umm, let's go to. I come, I agree completely with rock and. I guess that's a previous comment or the song is the perfect song in my opinion and the way the chords workout is simply impressive and mind boggling. Saw a copy of the score recently and it still drives me insane. Its simplicity makes it so. I hope that the movie version of rent gives it the respect it deserves and the presentation of this. Just as amazing as Jonathan Larson would have wanted it. So it apparently it's impactful. Has deep impact on a lot of people deep affect on a lot of? People and you know, typically Christians would end up being the party pooper saying, oh, but it's about homosexuality and aids and all of that is icky and you shouldn't sing about that. But that's not our point. That's that's actually not our point. I'm going to read 1 passage before we get into our main topic and it's from. Hebrews 9. Hebrews 927 says this. And justice, as it says this and justice as it is appointed for man to die once. And after that comes judgment. So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time not to deal with sin. But to they. But to save those who are eagerly waiting for him. So what does that? It means the pain and the turmoil in the darkness that people go through in this world isn't worth singing over. Because you need salvation from it. We're the cause of it. We also endure. We're affected by it, but we're also the cause of it. And it is appointed for man to die once. And then face judgment for it.
... but we shouldn't mourn because we have good news in the hope of Jesus Christ that you trust and repent. Turn around. Him. And you're. That's worth rejoicing and singing, and that's why you find singing at Christian funerals. But. It we're talking about another musical. Another musical Broadway turned film, and it's wicked. It's. What are some things you have heard about wicked thus far? You too.
Heard. I mean, I've seen wicked. Before with Kristen, Channel channel worth or with.
Really, you saw that version.
Idina Menzel. I mean it's. Yeah, it's classic. I'm a purist. It's naturally I was like man. And that's just what Disney's been doing. They've been pretty. They just been recreating things that have already been done well, so that was my first inclination was to go man and then.
With the release of the film.
With the release of the film, what what compounded was? Anything that I feel forced to see? Naturally, repel. It's just like, you know, they're in my face. Open up my. There's a picture of. I've never searched Ariana Grande ever, but now she's every short. Is Ariana Grande on YouTube every and I'm seeing interviews with her and what's what's the other girl's name?
Yeah. Arena.
I don't see. I don't think it's a girl.
Oh wait. What? Wait, what?
Wait a second. Wait a second.
Let me double.
Check that. I think that. OK, OK, OK, keep going.
The one in wicked.
I'm sorry.
Cynthia areivo.
Yeah, Cynthia rivo.
We'll let you know you're going to get your truck.
No, no I want. Hear it? You just you just.
That is OK.
Alright, but go. Go ahead, finish. Dan, I'm so happy.
These, these, these. People have been on my phones without my doing.
Just like you know, anything that was on my phone without my doing that I repelled. Know like, hey, you want a free cheeseburger? The Cova shot or what's the girl?
Jenna Ortega. It's another one that they kind of just kept throwing at us because she was in Wednesday. You know I don't.
Oh, that's right, that's right.
I just repel that stuff. It's like, what are you, what is it? What is it about this movie that you want the world to see so much?
Like what is it about this? So many films. Why? Why these two people who seem to be acting really weird to each other as well, overly compassionate about nothing?
And trying to outdo each other in emotion it it. Just I don't want. Yeah, pay for it.
Come on.
I. I don't wanna give them money. Right. So yeah, that's it.
So on the surface, Amy, what things like in in that same vein, in that same vein, what what was piquing your interest as this was being rolled out?
She she. She just blew my mind. If she's being if she's.
Hold on.
I'm sorry straight.
To the deep end.
She just blew.
My. I'm sorry but but but. On the surface, for us real quick.
On the surface, on the surface, I also saw wicked when it was at the Pantages, when I lived in LA or outside of LA. And you know I.
Yes. Oh wow.
Being a lukewarm Christian that I was, I was entertained. I thought it. Really. The music was was good. I wasn't thinking too much into. I mean, this was over 15 years ago. So, but yeah, again, I mean on. Surface. I'll keep it surface. You always have to ask like why now? Pushing. Why Ariana Grande? Why are they reviving this now? Those are my questions that I always ask.
Why Ariana Grande, she? And in the. In the media pushed. For quite some time now, especially within this last year.
Yeah, I was kind of like, OK. See where they go with. I mean it, obviously they're catering to the younger generation as well.
And so your your question has to be why do they want the younger generation engaged with something wicked or witchcraft? Those are questions that I was asking surface level.
You know, even you mentioning that which Sound of Music is one of our mother's favorites. We grew up watching that, Ed nauseum.
And I and I promise you, Amy will be the only black boys in West Baltimore City watching Sound of Music.
11:00 but that West Side Story.
Had no idea what it was about.
Yeah. So we grew.
Oh man.
Yeah. We grew up on that Mary Poppins Sound of Music. Now, Mary. Has been. I haven't actually seen. Blunt but but you bring up sound of. Makes you think like if there are a host of classic films that would actually be fun to redo. Mean I would.
I would love to see somebody actually redo the whole Nazi Germany aspect of Sound of Music and make that a little bit more tense and dramatic and. The theater to see what that would look like. But yeah. Why wicked now? My on a very, very surface. My first response was this. That 'cause, I think what's coming out. I don't know timelines, but we gotta like a line King prequel.
Coming out right?
Yeah, the Mufasa moving.
Yeah, but with the storyline is that Mufasa was adopted, and Scar was the rightful king.
So all these very sympathetic films towards the villain has been coming out right, even if it's not just films. Mean TV. There's Dexter, where there's this serial killer who is the protagonist in this in that show. And even even deeper than that, you got the. Lucifer. I've seen none of these shows. I just read their synopsis. And you got to show Lucifer. That humanizes Satan, you know. This, like our entertainment, is working on our moral dial in a more explicit way other than just kind of showing immorality.
Actually redirecting the moral compass now. Towards the villain that we would have compassion and empathize. With the. Now, in a way, as sinners, we should be able to empathize with the. But not in a way where we celebrate it and want to relate to him. It's something to mourn over. But, but yeah, so as we get deeper, I just want to. I just want to reintroduce us to very cringe worthy content first. I've got a interview clip from Wicked where they're actually in an interview talking about an interview they were in. So let's let's listen to this for those who are who are listening. And let's look at it for those who are watching.
People are taking the lyrics of defying gravity and really holding space with that and feeling power in that.
I was surprised because I was like, I had no idea because I've been looking. Mean it's been happening on.
But she's like, well, yeah, I mean, I guess.
I mean.
I guess I've seen it, yeah.
Really powerful. I had no idea that that's this thing was going on. I didn't know that that was.
Happening so I didn't know what any part of it meant.
That's really powerful.
I didn't understand the.
This is all their cut, by the way. I mean, I did a little bit editing for you can look so you can look closely at things, but this is their cut. It's weird. Don't know what this is, and it's just so weird.
First sentence.
I've seen this week people are taking the lyrics of defying gravity and really holding space with that and feeling power in that.
And then I definitely didn't understand. What was happening I how you. I was like, oh, what does she say? Did you hear? And I just wanted to be there because I knew something big was happening and I didn't know how to be there.
I didn't know that was.
I, but then after a while I didn't know how to be there. That's why I wanted.
He said something that meant something to.
Should be then reeled back.
You it meant something totally different to you.
And then she tried to kind of. Get somewhere else. And the craziest thing was I remember in the moment, asking myself. Am I OK? Did I not hear? And I was like, am I? Was like, is she? Listen, she's about to cry again and I'm going to grab this because I think you might need something and. I don't know what the tapping was about, but that happened.
Tension. Tension.
That. Yeah, that. I was like. ****, something's happening, she said.
That she was seeing it because she was in queer media.
You know, I am in queer media and.
I was like. I honestly didn't know what that meant.
As I said.
Am I also in comedian maybe?
We are of great.
Work. Let's both be there.
I'm so confused.
Yeah. I don't even know.
Right. Like what was that?
Like, whoa, what just happened?
I mean, it's jumping everywhere. You would think that I edited that, but no, that was from. Fair. Whatever. Whatever. Was and that was their own. I was just focused on the fact that she's kind of like holding. Stroking her finger that way. It's very weird.
Very strange.
And and you know, just for the record, queer media is redundant. I think media is really run by a lot of. Just, I think sexual debauchery, really. And I think that's the reason why it's been normalized in. That's the only reason it could be is because you have people in positions of power and propaganda who can usher this in per. Those Harvard professors, in their outline of desensitization, jamming and conversion. But. OK. So that is kind of what we were seeing on the surface leading up to the release of Wicked. Let me put people at I don't know if it's at ease, but before we dive deep. The fact of the matter is, Christians are called to be discerning. And I think people typically get. I think we're in a culture now where Christians get upset with Christians for being Christian. I think being faithful. And you just need to ask yourself. If someone said, hey, we're gonna invite you to a fantastic dinner, it's gonna be the greatest dinner in the world. It's gonna be poisonous. So obviously you don't go even if it's a fantastic time because of the end result and so that's why we do these things. That's why we're called to be discerning. Is because the media and this world wants to entice you to look at that which is poisonous. That which is delicious and scrumptious and enjoy it. And you ought not do that. So I I would say the first thing that I saw on a deeper level was them having super weight loss. Had you guys mentioned that Amy, had you seen anything regarding that and what was that being attributed to?
Yeah, I I mean. Noticed it right away as well. Just very emaciated and. You know, you're seeing that a lot, actually in Hollywood right now with the push of ozempic and some of these drugs and stuff like that. I would almost take it a little bit deeper. My experience I've seen. I've seen things where there is spiritual or demonic oppression or possession that actually causes. This type of emaciation or physical things that happen.
Give people.
So I don't know.
Little bit of context regarding that your experience. What did you do in? What was that experience?
Yeah. So without getting too personal on the details, I mean, I do counseling. And so I work with people coming from all walks of life. Sara Satanic ritual abuse. All of the things and. I had a couple of clients and one specifically was very much into channeling and she was calling in spirits to help her in this profession that she was in and I'm not going to get too detailed, but.
The long and the short of it was she realized at one point she was getting very sick and her normal weight, which was just an average weight for a woman her age and height, rapidly decreased. She was eating and she was eating and she could not. Put weight on. And so it was just depleting. And she also had some physical ailments. She had, you know, she was just really, really ill. And she very much linked it to the time. When it started was when she started calling in these spirits, calling in the demonic to help her with her power. For the profession that she was in and when she started to get saved and started to be delivered from Jesus like she was able to eat again and it would, the weight would stay on her so she could thrive and live and have energy, right? That's. Food is for, you know, and.
So it kind of struck my. A little bit. I take it with a balanced approach, right? But. I don't know it. It was strange to me just how very. Thin. They both were. Ariana. She just looks very sickly.
Yeah, yeah, she.
So yeah, very tiny, right? Right.
Was already small.
And I mean, I think even ironically, that clip that we watched that was cringe in of itself was the very first clip I had seen without them sobbing and weeping about stuff.
Right, right. Yeah.
It just seems very. Have I mean, what were you gathering from that in your experience in just seeing how emotionally? I don't know triggering or easily triggering emotionally they were.
Yeah, it to me it almost seems like in a like dissociation or did or almost like. Alternate personalities in a way you can. At it.
Hmm. It's just.
Childlike, overly emotional. Not really self controlled. It was.
I don't know. It was very strange. It was. I don't even really know how. Put words to it, but. It was almost like they were acting, but they.
It was. It was weird.
I. I don't know.
You know, there's something you said. On the episode we did together. On on our podcast. It was a very it was a quick side comment, but you were just talking about how? In and of itself is. It's deceptive inherently, and I think that you know.
Christian hearing that would easily say. That's splitting hairs and you're doing too much. And I think at the end of the day, I think that's the type of thinking that we lack today in American modernized Christianity. This idea of implementing what it means to love God. With every aspect of your strength your thinking. In your emotion and your capability, you know to think well about the things of this world where something that we would call entertainment could be inherently deceptive, just as something that, you know Christians once called entertainment was deceptively.
You should.
Murderous. When it comes down to gladiator fights and watching people get thrown to lions for your entertainment, thing like that was entertainment.
Well, I mean, watching other people's sin is what we're doing.
It's true. That's true.
You know, like that's entertaining to us.
You're right, man. Yeah, that's convicting.
Sinner. But yeah, but you know, 'cause the way I would see it before just taking it to the height of acting in general is these films are filled with sexual immorality.
Oh yeah.
Just all over the place. Just gratuitously.
And if not, actually it's not. In, at a certain point.
No, no, you're doing it. You're doing it? Yeah.
They're actually doing it.
And so yeah, yeah. Yeah, acting in itself. Is deceptive so. It's like these people have to practice. Forget what you just called. Did. Or they have to practice that as a career.
Right. Dissociating into an alternate personality.
Being deceptive.
Yeah, yeah.
Character, right?
Right. And I think there's a very direct link to almost like the matrix. Whatever happens to you in the matrix if you get killed in the matrix, then you get killed. In real life you get into this character, and if that character is a dark character, it will. Affect you as an individual. Heath Ledger.
Thank you. I was just thinking of that.
It will definitely affect you and I don't think we actually think about that. Just get our tickets and we watch. And you know, I always say, I forget whose quote this was, but you learn the most when you think. Being entertained.
It's interesting.
And that's what we're getting from this now. My piece of ignorance. I don't know anything about these two, obviously. Know Ariana Grande is a singer.
And Cynthia orivo? I've seen her in a film I. And then the last thing I saw her in. Years ago, in that famous clip from. You know, I'm talking about the greatest showman when they're telling a story about him not being able to sing. They were. From now on, she's.
Oh, that was her.
Yeah. The one standing up and yes, that's that was her.
Oh yeah, no.
At least I think so.
Oh wow. She was in the.
Color purple, I think too.
On the movie or Broadway?
I can't remember. I don't know.
I wanna watch it.
Thinking maybe the movie.
I actually called your wife Darren earlier last. Say hey, give me everything you have on Ariana Grande now and what she brought up was this. She brought up relationships. Are you familiar with her relationship history, Amy?
Not off the top of my head.
So apparently.
Oh, Mac Miller.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's one.
That was a whole rabbit hole.
Royale give us give us an introduction to it. Know I don't know anything. Don't know anything.
I'd have to walk my brain. It right.
I know he.
And it was kind of a strange. I I I want to say it was suicide maybe. It was really strange how. Don't know. Don't quote me on that because I I can't remember. Been quite a minute. But. Yeah. Who else was she? She dating?
I don't know. I just know that what she she is what one would call a home wrecker.
That. Her relationships. Relationships, even the most recent. Being a relationship with someone she met on the set of this film.
Who since left his wife and their three month old.
Oh no.
Yeah. So. That's all I have. That's all I have.
I'm looking at the history now, but. Yeah, gosh.
Yeah, you know, so that that's a, that's an interesting. But there was something that really piqued my interest. When you and I were talking and you mentioned how she dabbles in witchcraft or is a self-proclaimed witch, the only thing in connection? To anything religious I've heard of, Ariana Grande is her interest in Kabbalah.
Yeah, no. She did an interview and I'm trying to find. On. Page, but she did an interview with a guy and he was talking to her about her role in. And she was like, oh, yeah, everybody would come up to me and want me to read their cards or something like that about, like. You know tarot reading or something? And. He. He said to her. Are you? And she's like, oh, but I am a. And she threw up the curse sign when she did it with, you know, and. It was just like she was just self. It, you know, like I am. Am a. It's not a role. Essentially I I am a witch and make sense I mean. You know, it really does, because this isn't a. This isn't a role for them. Is a lifestyle.
Yeah, it's new. I mean, people that participate in new age, divination, psychic channeling, gematria, numerology, all the things you know, they're dabbling in witchcraft. So.
It's not an understatement to say that she's a witch.
Or she's saying she. So I'm I'm going to believe her for she's telling us who she is. So.
I mean, it would probably be more accurate to be to assume. The Hollywood is filled with witches. I mean, we always said.
For sure mm.
We've always said when we cover episodes on Hollywood or whenever that it would be a false assumption to believe that Hollywood is filled with evil stuff. Think that's a statement that's made from the wrong perspective. I think in more accurate statement would be that there are some innocent people in Hollywood.
Sure. Yeah.
I think that would be the statement to make to assume that Hollywood in and of itself is meant for evil. It's meant for evil, and I think that there are some naive. Innocent individuals there who either see see it for what it is and leave.
Or who have the probably the self deceiving thought of going in and affecting change.
They are converted.
Mm hmm.
And I think that's what you end up seeing from a lot of these Disney children who turn into just zapped out zombies.
Right side.
It is sad. OK, we need to revisit what you said earlier.
Yeah, I'd like to explain myself.
Yes, let's hear.
Let's hear. OK. OK.
So I'm going to give a little deeper guys.
Just bear with me. I mean, I think that people are able to grasp this idea of androgyny and transgenderism much more today than.
10 years. So I'm just going to preface with that because when you look at it from your own lens, it doesn't make sense. You have to look at it from an occultic. Spiritual lens that they are coming from. So with first of all the original.
Author of wicked. Scripted Elphaba to be. It doesn't say what her gender is. It's assumed she's a hermaphrodite or an androgyne. So already you have the fluidity and the duality of male female, the blending of the genders because you don't know what she is, right?
And in these type of movies and stuff, there's always this undercurrent of occultism and duality. So you'll always see the feminine and the masculine and. To me, it just makes a lot of sense that Cynthia, that's her name, right?
Yeah, yeah.
That she would most likely be transitioned. And ex speculation on my part, I'll admit it. And I'm not judging her. Just saying based on. What I've seen and what we're seeing today, we see celebrities transitioning their kids right in front of our eyes. They've been doing this for. They've been doing it for, you know. The Royals are infamous for transitioning their kids. Why? Because their occultic lens believes in the polar opposites coming into duality, which is perfectionism. And if you understand that part of symbology, then you start to see things in a different way as to why they would, why she would potentially be a biological male transition probably at a young age to a female. And if they transition before puberty, it's fairly. I mean, it's really hard to spot. Because the puberty, the hormones don't hit.
They look, you know. More of that gender that they're trying to transition into. So I know that's a lot for people, so I yeah.
Interesting. That's. Yeah, I I think so. Maybe people need to be aware you said something I think would be very normal for us to hear. I don't. If people are aware of how prevalent that practice of raising. Transgender children is before even transgender conversation was popular, which which I I would say popular within the last five years to be.
With you.
And it, you know, but this practice has been going on. Do you have any examples of maybe speculative or not? Now I'll say this one out loud. There's always been a a big stir around. Joan Rivers very matter of Factly calling Barack Obama the first gay president. There was a big stir.
This is.
Around that because it's not like she was on the gossip magazine or anything else. Was at her front stoop on on at her door, and paparazzi found her. They asked her about. Any excitement on there being a woman or first gay? I can't remember, quite frankly, but she made a comment about we already have a first gay president.
Just made it matter of fact. And they're like. They said Yep, Michelle is a transgender.
Wonder we all know.
Yeah, that's what she said.
And she was so kind of out of her normal.
Yeah. Yeah, right. We all know what.
Averse was very subdued and she was like we all know, like we all. She's transgender, like you. You just felt the authenticity of that of what she was saying.
Yeah, right. Right.
That's a rabbit hole for some folks. I think that when you, when you look, here's the thing.
Hello. Without context.
So John didn't make it. Year did she?
Most of.
No, no, no. John Rivers didn't work.
You not a festive and nor Joan did make it another year.
No, she. She did not make it another year. I I think that when you take that in concert with other things that have happened, I'm sure you're familiar with what is his name. Amy, there was a guy who was Stormy Daniels before Stormy. He was the stormy Daniels for Barack Obama that we never heard about.
Where I yeah.
Gosh, I can't remember.
What's his name?
I know you're talking about.
It's like jailed, jailed to or Larry lay. It Larry Larry Sinclair. That. I can look it up. I think maybe the Internet will let me.
But but do you have any other examples like that? Would. It's speculative, but at least. In the same context to say, hey, this is something way deeper and more ritualistic than you may know.
Yes. Yeah, I can throw out a few that I I would think would potentially be. I will say this. Let me let's travel back a little. Because. Was prevalent in the Old Testament. You know, a worship. To an Anna, you know the the the temple gods and the gallows that were in the temple. Who were Andrew giants?
They would dress up in women. The priests of the temple, to serve the goddess would dress up in the as women. And they even had songs to their priestess, and they would. It's very common that these gods of old were androgyne, and so I think when we look at it with a scriptural lens of even in the garden, you know, even even with.
You're yeah.
Become like gods, knowing good and evil. You God designed male and female. Would Satan? He'd want to blur them together, so there's no. So when you start to look at it from that lens and. Kind of move forward off of Scripture. Starts to make more sense, you know. But yeah, I mean. For example, Jamie Lee Curtis on her birth announcement. It it straight? There I have pictures I've saved over the years, but it says that she was a hermaphrodite. They used her, a male name for her. I think. Sandra block. I think they play on names sometimes where it's male type names for the actress. Gosh, why pink the singer pink? I think could potentially be and you have to think too.
What are you doing? What are you doing?
You have to think. Oh no, there's gonna.
I'm just shattering people's brains like.
To you know what?
Keep. Keep going, Amy. Keep going.
And again again. We got to realize this. Hollywood, you guys.
It's holly. I know.
You may you.
I know, I know.
It's weird and wacky and and a lot of times.
Here's one that's what probably really gonna kick you is Jennifer Aniston. I think that she could have potentially been transitioned before she was, and I've seen a couple pictures where. It very well looks like there could be something there now.
She's she's had some weird along with Sandra Bullock. They've had some weird conversations with Ella DeGeneres.
And they're like picking jokes about things that are they think are secret cuz we're all too stupid to pick up on anything that they may be saying.
Yes, and. Right. And there were a couple episodes where they they would make fun of Jennifer Chandler and the other one. And there was a couple where they alluded to the fact that she had a male part and they're making fun of it. Like it's a joke, but.
If you start it, I'm telling you guys, look at some of these people.
Yeah, that's very Holly.
Who have?
Yes, who have transitioned. Not celebrities, but just look up. Google people who have transitioned before puberty, you will not be able to tell that they were their biological gender. Telling you the things. Can do. Plus they're in Hollywood. Breast implants, plastic surgery, hair extensions. Trainers, food, I mean. Prosthetic moon. I mean, these people can do anything. And if you know a little bit about anatomy, you know that women's pelvises are are bigger and wider. So there's. A there's differences in the anatomy too. The bone structure and.
It's not a one-size-fits-all. You have to use discernment, wisdom and not like we're going to go call. Out but.
Move right.
You know, but, but if you kind of use discernment, I think another one is.
I think she's definitely a dude. And if you know in in that in Blue Lagoon you never see anything you just see. Just see, you know.
You guys. Are were we gonna take it here?
I didn't even realize we were going to take it down this road.
You know what it is?
This is.
That's right.
What it? And what's what's what's necessary is that.
Wicked indeed.
Yeah, that, that, that's the thing. That's exactly right. What's necessary is that people. They don't. Have a frame of mind to think within this paradigm.
It's kind of like when you and I were talking about on your podcast when we're talking about Christianity in America. Claims of faith. In an omnipotent, eternal, omnipresent Triune God who was born through the birth canal of a woman. Potty trained as the all knowing God, right? As a baby. Maybe into an adult man. Blood. Rose again from the dead, ascended into heaven since the right hand of the father, with whom he shares a united eternal power with the Holy Spirit. Will return again as the ultimate judge, but then when we start getting into demonology and angels angelology, it's a little bit too hoggy boogity for you.
So what exactly do you actually believe? I don't know if you might actually be in the right paradigm. Because if there is anybody with a paradigm for this, what we're talking about it is the Christian.
Sure it.
Is the Christian that the world is deceived? In a lot of different ways. And take part in that deception inherently, and that the human heart is sick enough desperately so to take part in it, and also love taking part in it.
We have that paradigm.
But you blew my mind.
Well. Let me tell you this, when I first stumbled upon even this on my radar, I was just like no way.
Still way.
And that was probably 7 or 8 years ago. Then I started to see the why behind the transition is not trendy.
Not because I think it's very spiritually motivated.
Right, yeah.
And if you can't look at it with that lens, you're going to exactly.
Both male and female parts. This is who they serve, right? The androgyny. The one who says there is no male or female you can.
Both. You know that strong blurred lines.
Yeah. Oh, wow.
Yes, and and when you start digging deeper and you just kind of open your mind up and say, OK, Lord, show me like, what is the weirdness in this world? Show you and it's weird but but it makes sense from a spiritual lens.
Yeah, it's weird.
And that's how you have to look at it from. Doesn't make sense to us as a Christian because. You know, we believe in our identity as male and female, right? That's who God created us to. Be but.
Think about the what really bothers me is.
But yeah.
The start point, as you said, is spiritual. It's evil. It is demonic. It is rooted in a hatred for Christ and his Saints. It's rooted in that and we Fast forward to now, where it's become trendy. Become emotive, right? It's become. It rooted in this toxic compassion where it's like, hey, use pronouns. It's loving. You're not a real person if you don't use pronouns like that. Stuff is so dumb to me, but here you are with Christians who are not only just using pronouns, but they're bought into this. Thinking that the start and stop point is with society. And it's about being nice and kind to each other.
Right, right.
And that's not the case. Now. I'm trusting that because like. Where? Where? Where I am on the speculations regarding Michelle Obama. It's not just flippantly, you know, it's not carelessly. There was.
Right, right.
There was some rabbit holes there for me that.
Yeah, me too.
I dove into the same for. When you know Candace Owens was being attacked for the claims that she made about Brigitte.
Mm hmm mm.
Mccrone and it's like the only response you can do when you're telling the truth is dismiss you. Can either dismiss you or kill you or both, right? And that's what was happening. And and it wasn't even her claim.
Her it wasn't her. It was French journalists who were claiming that Brigitte Mccrone, the. The supposed wife of Emanuel Mccrone, France's president. Was a male. And not only that, he was. He was an actor, right? Or like. Was in the arts in some way.
Right, like.
Yeah, could be.
It's not not Ukraine's president.
Oh, OK.
And and and Trudeau and Trudeau. Trudeau is also in it.
I knew that about truthful.
And so it's like what's going on here with these world leaders? And and things like.
But she she the the evidence that she brought forward is.
Undeniable right.
I'm telling. Well, and you start to look at Michelle's book becoming Michelle starts to you start to see it for what it is, right. The the veil comes off because you're like, they're literally telling us in plain sight.
Yeah, I mean.
Yeah. And that's also a part of their.
Yeah, you know, I mean, like they have to tell you, they have to.
Right, right. Yep.
And the kind of the information is like bridges, the gaps, it fills in all of the.
The other fuzzy weirdness you got Barack Obama, like Michael, I mean, Michelle.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It bridges that gap. Well, it makes sense if Michelle is a man. You know what I mean?
Yeah, right. Right.
That makes sense that he would slip and say Michael.
Multiple times. He's done that. Multiple times, I don't know. I've never slipped up and said Darren, when talking about my wife.
Never. Well, David or, you know, Tom Taylor, it's like I've never done that. Yeah.
My husband told me about it.
He worked.
It doesn't fly.
Then and. You've got that. That's bridged. You got another gap bridged in the letters that Obama sent to his former ex-girlfriend in college that they can't be together because he fantasizes sexually about men. That's what he wrote in his letter.
And at the end of the day, people just get mad at you for delivering the truth. The truth about that.
And that's where we are. Also that is.
Reality that is packaged into this thing called Wicked.
Called wicked. Yeah, right, right.
It's all wicked, yeah.
And people are taking their daughters and their sons and they love it and and you know, you you were. You jokingly said this to me in. E-mail in a e-mail. But I was in the same boat where I loved the Broadway play of Wicked. Now, once about that once again, what I loved about it was the music. That's just who I. And by the music, I don't mean the. I'm literally like I'm saying you could get an orchestra and a band and have them play it and I'm fine. That's it. That's all I cared about. But you know, you throw in the theatrics and the actual words and things. Mean something? What does it mean to defy gravity? Does that mean?
That stuck out to me big time.
That that ending part I. Just want to throw this in. That a few things really stuck out to me with this because people say, well, what's the big deal? Just entertainment, OK. They're gearing towards the kids. They're making kids want to. Want to dress up? I want to get the doll like.
That's why use Ariana Grande is like you know what I mean.
Yeah, yeah.
That's that's why they like her.
And did. And did you see how on Mattel they accidentally put?
****. They put a **** site on the.
They put a **** site on the back of the Barbie, the wicked Barbie, and oops, we're sorry.
Of the thumb.
Slipped by us. So you've got these little things that happen well and then you've got these kids wanting to be a good witch. There is no there aren't. No. Witchcraft, you know.
Yeah. Good witch. No.
There's no good witchcraft and. When you think about this, defying gravity in some of the words, it's about rebellion.
And when you think of the verse in. Is. Second Samuel, first Samuel 15, where it says rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. You think about at the end. Elphaba is rebelling against the norm.
Going to defy grav. My. My way and that goes direct oppos. Of God's supernatural order, spiritual authority of submission and obedience. Because it's structured the way he wants it, so it falls into line.
And who's the king of? It's Lucifer and his five eye wills, you know, and so. You'll always see this underlying theme of. Christianity, if you will, or the antithesis of Christianity, the rebellion, the buck against Christianity in movies and in. Plays like this. And that's what stuck out to me.
And let's be honest with listeners, listeners, be honest here. The rebuttal that you have for us. Is it rooted in the fact that you genuinely think that we hate people having fun and having joy in life? It rooted in the fact that you think that we are being judgmental and self-righteous or. Are you taking a step? Beneath that is it rooted in the fact that, hey, you're already aware of everything we're talking about. And the fruit of you being aware is seen in the fact that you actually take the same effort and discipline your children. Is that true? Or do you take the same effort in discipline your children as you do in entertaining them? If not, then at least before getting angry with us, just spend time with the Lord, O Christian. And reflect on that reality that we are being trained and. We're being trained to manipulate it, to believe that it is better for our children to learn the ways of the world than the ways of the Lord.
What we're being trained in that passage that you just referenced, Amy.
In first Samuel. Uh oh. Oh, here we go. That passage that you just referenced here. Says the Lord is great delight and burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice. The Lord. Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice and to listen than the fat of Rams for rebellion is as the sin of divination, and presumption is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has also rejected you from being king. And so this is. Judgment against Saul. We can extrapolate that thought and that heart to all of those who rebel against the Lord, sure.
We look at Deuteronomy. And this is Moses giving the instruction to Israel. The Lord our God, for those with context, what I'm about to read in Deuteronomy 6 is basically Israel's John 316. If you grew up in church, you grew up around Christianity. Knew John 316. This was Israel's John 316. Here, will Israel the Lord our God, the Lord is. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. In these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. Shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit. Talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk, by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise, you shall bind them. To this you shall bind them as a sign on your hand. And they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on and on your gates. What's very interesting, especially in Christian culture, is that it's only popular to talk about something that's on our hand in our forehead when it. To the mark of the beast. That's what it's popular to talk. What's on our hand in our forehead. But here we are in Deuteronomy. Where? That's the precedent that the mark of your hand in your forehead ought to be what comes from the Lord. It's a sign of loyalty is what that means. It's a. Of loyalty that that is what marks your hand and your forehead. And what God is telling Israel is that, hey, you need to discipline your children and train them in the knowledge of Maine. And he goes on and says, because I'm about to bring you into a land, and that land is filled with awesome things that you didn't earn.
In her.
You didn't build it. Didn't plant. You didn't dig it yet. It's your. Because it's going to be so awesome, you're going to forget about. Me. So you need to train the generation to Remember Me. I think that's what we're seeing in this country now. Well, we enjoy the beauties and what's left of it, the beauties of America. And the freedoms we enjoy and Christianity is just another, I don't know, side dish of America. And and those who even call themselves Christians, it's just another attribute of your lifestyle that you would throw in with everything else. Sports fan and you're whatever. A Christian. Then Sunday's have been dedicated to sports for children. I was a student ministry leader, I know. Sports is dedicated or Sunday is dedicated to sports. And if you push to try and just challenge and encourage parents to disciple their children, you're being mean and unreasonable.
Night. Well, and you kind of see. Scene even in that movie or in the show, wicked in the movie Wicked is. Almost like this, she was. Right. Elphaba was bullied and so then she kind of comes, she was. And then you see that polarity of the Miss Popular versus and then you kind of see this idea of. Accept. Love is love.
And and.
It takes it to the extreme where, yes, we're to show love, we're to. So, you know kindness, but love is not. There is truth in love and it, and I think it kind of blurs the lines of that too, where?
Don't know it, just she's not a bad witch. She's just finding herself. She's actually a good witch at heart. You know, when you start to kind of have these endearing feelings for alphabet, the wicked witch of the West.
And it just blows the ideas in a child's mind. They don't. Can't conceptualize it and discern it the way we can and.
Even the more obvious things like she's just green, you know, whatever, right.
Right, yeah. What is the evil anyways? Think that's all the. It starts what is evil.
Yeah. Yeah. Just have you skate.
What is good, you know?
Good. I mean, that's what. That's what. That's what it was in the garden. That's that's what happened.
The wolf. What?
Obviously, skate with good is. Yeah. Dang, I was just about to say something and I forgot it. Man, my mind really just like reset.
And erased everything. Everything. You're talking about with good. Oh yeah, yeah. Scripture, Paul says that Satan masquerades as a good witch, right? It's an Angel of light.
That, that's that's the thing.
You know, he doesn't come dressed up in some red suit with. Horns and a. He comes dressed up in every desire you have. Every desire on Earth to make us think that the Lord, the good Lord wants us to renounce our deepest desires. And that's not the way we ought to see. What the way we ought to see it is that what we truly desire without knowing it is him. And we need to know that that's what we desire, because if we go after things, we think we desire, it will be served as a pang and will be caught in a snare. And it'll be too late.
What are people? You have counseled who have gone through satanic ritual abuse? Just what are some aspects of that that people have to be aware? I'm I'm sure that that is not on a lot of people's register, that there are individuals who have even gone. Through satanic ritual abuse. What is that and what are some things people should be aware of?
You mean?
What are some things? Should be aware of of people. Have gone through that with.
Well, yes. That. But backing up because you've talked about this a lot on your podcast, like Talk, Talk, as if you're talking to the mainline Christian Evangelical that doesn't like dealing with Genesis 6 because it's too murky for them.
Talk to them about your saying what is satanic ritual abuse and what goes on in these things. Did what should people be aware of regarding it?
Yeah. So satanic ritual abuse is really organized and structured and. It it can go all the way from, you know, low level, low income people all the way up to the elitist and the globalist, if you will, of the world, the Illuminati, and it's organized, it's structured. It's. It's utilized to create. Mind control slaves to create did which is the associative identity disorder which was previously multiple personality disorder was a previous name and it's really to make a. A human slave. It's to control a human and it's it's vile and heinous. And to the Christian that has never heard about that. It's really a lot when you first listen to it, it's. I remember the first time I heard about this and I thought how could anybody ever even do this?
What kind of people do this kind of thing and? You know it's. It's just turned over completely to evil, and a lot of these people are born into multi generational families. Those people that work for the military that have been participating in this, there's people that work for politics that have utilized satanic ritual abuse. It kind of goes hand in hand with trauma, with virtual trauma abuse, right? Like, it's. It goes hand in hand with that and. It's real. It happens and I think in what was it like the 90s, they tried to dub the satanic panic like it was. You know. There wasn't.
That's right.
You know you had. You had a few of those big cases, like the Mcmartin preschool and.
And all those things and you know they.
And ironically, they were linking that to metal music, rock rock music too, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Which there is. Direct link between that and Satanism. Isn't that?
Well, you see the obvious.
Obvious it's kind of like what you were saying it it's kind of like. Brandon, when you're like, you know, you think it comes out with horns and a spiked, you know, spiked tail on a pitchfork. No, it's actually done in churches, and it's done in schools and.
And that's where people's minds just get blown. Like, this really happens.
Yes it does. It's the people that look the part on the outside who are actually doing things at night that people would just it blow their mind.
This is what?
Dan, were you about to say something? No, OK, this is what I keep thinking about, Amy. And maybe you can speak on this as we close.
I don't just disagree with people who are dismissive towards the things that we talk about. It's not just a mere self, you know Dan and I's response to them isn't just oh, you are blind and you need to know what's happening. Not our issue if their dismissiveness. Our issue with their dismissiveness is rooted in what you just said. People actually are going through this. They're experiencing this evil and you, as an ambassador of Christ, is someone who is carrying with them the Ministry of Reconciliation. Yet there are people on this earth you would easily dismiss. Do you say? To the Christian who has into their mind that, hey, I'm a Christian and I find everything that Brandon, Darren, and Amy just talked about to be completely foolish.
What I'd say First off, you need to. That. The Lord because. You know, he's the. Who gives us wisdom and counsel and understanding? We can't lean on our own understanding, right? Because we don't know it all. We haven't seen everything that happens in the deep, dark places, in the crevices of the world.
So, exactly, so we we've got. Lean into what the Lord wants to show us instead of our own understanding and. You know, it's it's not for the faint hearted, but these people's story needs to come. To come out because they've been told. Either by themselves or the people that are perpetrated on them or by their churches, or by their family. No, you just imagine that that surely didn't happen. He or she couldn't have done that to you. And what happens a lot of time in SRA? Is there's a lot of. Just ways to manipulate the person to make them believe that what they're experiencing isn't real, so they'll dress up in costumes for the children. They'll come at night and they'll look. They'll have costumes on. So when the child goes to the parent and says. You know this big, you know, rabbit hurt me. The the parent. No, honey, that was just a dream. Or at. The big rabbit came and took me out of the room. Oh, honey, your imagination is just. And So what happens is we build this distrust. And we kind of brush it away because we're just unwilling to hear and let me tell you, if your kids are telling you anything like that, listen to them. Please listen to them and let them share that with you.
Because a lot of these. A lot of these people that I work with, they have. The amnesia from the trauma, which is part of the. A lot of them don't remember their childhood, and there's a reason why. Because the trauma they went through.
Was unbearable, and that's another inclination that you know, potentially.
Someone has been through traumatic abuse when they. Because usually. Remember our childhood? You know, at least parts of it from like 3-4 on up, but to have no memory from 12 before or what have you. That's that's not normal.
Yeah, yeah.
Anyways, going on kind of a tangent. Sorry, but yeah, I just.
Oh, no, that's very helpful. Very helpful.
It is in my. Understanding I. I I. Restored I'm looking for. I believe that we are entering into a a a time where Christians, more specifically in this country, this is our context. Christians in this country are recognizing the anemic nature of. Our modernized theology, their hungering for scripture. I think that's that's why our episode together Amy was so popular and people were so appreciative of it. I think people are are coming to Christ, they're reading their Bible. And then they're hearing a hungry man dinner on Sunday. And they're thinking, whoa, there's a big gap here.
And they're wanting. The Scriptures teach, and I think we're coming to a future generations of believers that will demand that teaching will be delivered of that teaching. And I think as a result of that, there's going to be a lot of wild stuff that we see take place in this country.
I think so too. I think that there.
Because of the vibrance of the church. And so I pray for that. Pray for that. Any last thoughts you 2 regarding wicked? You see a mother with her children excited to go see wicked. What do you say?
Is Sandra. And I'm feeling your joy, killer joy.
Don't go, don't go. Like I've really been hoping that all of these movies that they're pushing, I mean it's just wave of movies.
**** ***.
And TV shows like Netflix. All these because this is where Hollywood is found, its space in and streaming places now.
A lot of people aren't going to theaters anymore.
I'm just hoping they all fail. Like what I'm hoping people don't go see those movies that they lose.
Even the Marvel movies. A marvel. I'm I'm not seeing anymore. I. I mean, I don't want to pay them.
Yeah, I'm with you.
I don't want.
To pay them well, you should have heard my story time with the boys there. And I've been doing story time with the boys through the through Spider Man and Iron Man. They have little action figures and I'll tell them I'll I'll give them their we. So I'll do catechesis with them through Spider Man, Iron Man, little Bible. And then give them a little origin story of spider man, Iron Man, captain. Through the lens of Genesis 6 and rebellious Nephilim.
That's awesome.
Right. I bet they love it. Ohh man but yeah I I.
Think that what I would say is for parents who are so eager to put a smile on your child's face through Hollywood's, you may be able to do that through taking them to a movie. But you're putting way more on them. Than you. And when it comes down to the things that we're seeing in society when this younger generation, even with adults today, it's it had a start point. It had a start point and when you look at the other side, when you look at people who may have started in darkness and now have joy and light, Amy, you're one who has joy and light in a life dedicated to the Lord that has a start point. Has Christ. It's Christ, and parents have been gifted the opportunity to make that stop point very young with your children. You've been gifted that opportunity, so take that seriously and just know that even if you still do want to go see the film, just know that Hollywood's not your friend. Hollywood's not your friend. They don't want to make you happy. They they want to transform you because that's the spirit behind it all. So proceed with caution and discernment.
Any last thoughts for you, Amy?
I think we we did pretty. I guess I would just end with, you know, they'll call evil good and good evil. And, you know, I think it's Isaiah that says that. So we just have to be discerning. And it's not. Is it worth it to open up your child to potential? Entrancement or an enticing to witches and witchcraft and magic, is that worth and rebellion? That worth it to. Maybe that's a question you need to ask and you know really, really take it to heart.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Amy, what is something you're working on that you want people to know about or where can people find you? The most recent thing you've done in your podcast.
Thank you. Yeah. So you can find me on Eisen, right? And I have an Instagram page. I was on the right. I was on the right 4.0. And also if you need counseling or anything like that, biblical guidance counseling is. Website. So find me there.
OK. Well, as always.
Let me tell you something that you know.
You I'm. I'm heading straight to the duck, Duck, goose unit. Is over. Is Martin Luther King a woman?
Oh my gosh, I can.
Send you guys some things.
Please do.
Please do. Because it what it what it what it shows me. Sorry, then what about the? But what it shows me is that we're late to the party with thoughts about Michelle Obama.
But we're late to.
The party.
Yeah, I'm sitting here the whole time since. Said that, while we're talking, I'm thinking the age Jennifer don't have no kids. Wanted kids, so he married a woman.
Right. Never saw it pregnant.
Right. When it kids, we married a woman.
Oh, you just.
Oh my gosh.
Oh my goodness. And I think Charlie staring is raising. Her little adopted boy as a girl.
Yeah. Megan Fogg.
Right. Or is it the other way? Yeah. Megan Fox. I mean, yeah, she's sick of Satanist, her machine.
It's been multiple, yeah.
Kelly, you know, I'm wondering, what have you read anything? Like just Netflix, I've seen a lot of, like, Netflix is becoming a hub.
Yeah, of a lot.
Own part owners of the Obama.
Of Obamas are part. Yeah. So I knew that part and I'm thinking what is like the NFL is going to start showing football games on Netflix. Doing paper view fights boxing special events on Netflix, something and what is this about?
Interesting. Yeah. Right. That's a good question.
Get up.
I was wondering if you had heard some things.
What are things? That one?
Yeah. Yeah. OK.
All right.
Well guys, we appreciate it and we hope that you take our words to heart.
You for sticking with us for this long. Getting your Bible, getting your word, growing inscriptions and teach it to your children. Thank you for listening to this episode of. And. We are guaranteed to hear one of two things, our humble opinion.
Or the facts.