Black and Blurred
Bringing clarity to the blurred view on personhood, ethnicity and culture through the lens of two Christian brothers from Baltimore.
Black and Blurred
#171 We're Back: Post election, Thanksgiving Discussions and Plagiarizing Pastors
Brandon is back in Baltimore. Daren is still in Silver Spring and Black and Blurred is still in your ear! For this post election episode, we discuss our thoughts in the panel we joined before our break with Truth and Fire. We also reflect on the disgraceful behavior of many Kamala supporters post election.
Are you geared up for thanksgiving discussions? Are you equipped to be an ambassador of Christ with seasoned speech. We walk through a conversation as practice in order to guard your hearts in preparation for thanksgiving. Also, the 'black church' is a gift that just keeps on giving...
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Hosts: Brandon and Daren Smith
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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to Black and Blurred. Hi. That's Daren. That's me. I'm Brandon. Guys, here we are at the new setup. We're back, and I've got three-quarters of a voice. Does it sound like that in the mic? It sounds disgusting. I figured as much. I've got my tea here, though. Man, we've got, I mean, we really don't have a lot to catch up on, but we've got a lot to catch up on. a little bit has happened but a lot has happened since our last episode which was what episode yeah that was with do we have a guest or no last episode our last episode might have been with uh oh man pj right oh you know what that might have been was that our last episode I don't know I don't know oh you know no we're tripping we're tripping the last episode was that stream we did I mean I guess that's the last episode we uploaded so to the listeners that was our last episode What did you think about that? How do you think that went? I don't think we've talked about it, really. It's a live stream? Yeah. Live stream. Oh, with your election. We did talk about it briefly afterwards. I thought we moved past some things that are more relevant and prevalent. One of the things that I mentioned afterwards, we didn't really talk about how Christians should address progressives hmm what do you mean because my answer was gonna no that's what that was one of the questions on the on the uh outline oh yeah on the plan oh yeah right how should christians treat progressives and my answer is gonna be like non-christians like unbelievers yeah um and uh in the most uh And the most vigilant examples of a progressive, you just pray for them. There are some progressive Christians who are really vigilant against Christians. Oh, yeah, they hate Christians. And sometimes you can't really engage them. They're not really looking for real conversation. So I wouldn't suggest getting into a bunch of gospel conversations with them. Share the gospel with them. Pray for them. But yeah, treat them like non-believers. But there was a lot of topics. There were some topics like that that I thought... Another thing is I don't think we'd really... I think we all assumed what home base is. You know what I mean? We never really went around and said what one of us believes. Right. That ended up being a very big deal for me only because of the fact that assumption was there this is this is what caught me off guard and I use that loosely I use off guard loosely but what what I was spending kind of the first half of the time trying to figure out is oh you all do this often or or at least they've done it amongst themselves often I was great grateful that they brought us into the fold and you know uh and we were a part of it, but based on the way that they were talking about it, they talked about it as if... Like they had previous conversations. Right, right. Like they had previous conversations about it. And so... So now, what that creates is an opportunity for us to impede whatever the goal was of the evening. Yeah. Typically, if somebody brings us on a panel and they're like, hey, we all come from different spheres of ideology and things like that, then impediment is going to be part of the process. I get it. Mm-hmm. But that wasn't the goal of the conversation, it seems. And so I was bouncing back and forth with like, are there certain things worth impeding the process? The first one was like, I think Derek, our friend Derek, he said the as far as like the MAGA slogan. Yeah. And then asked the question kind of rhetorically, when has America ever been great for black people? Right. Yeah. That's a side comment that I have thoughts on. You have thoughts on. But it was more of a peripheral aspect of the conversation. that I didn't know if it would have been beneficial for me to stick my flag yeah it's not worth yeah and so and so I think because of that uh because of the presuppositions throughout the entire conversation it felt like a good amount of the conversation would have been like that which I still thought that there was some there was a good amount of fruit in the conversation but I was spending most of my time trying to figure out wait where are you guys on this And lastly, I'll say this. It seems that they have run-ins with this quote-unquote Christian nationalism that we have never had run-ins with. So there are gripes that they have, probably rightfully so, that caught me off guard where I'm like, wow, I didn't even know that there were some people going hard. Yeah, I never took it seriously. What is it called? Hands made tail type dudes who I would deem aren't biblically Christian. Right, yeah, they're not Christian. Yeah. So... Because if you think about it, we never talked about the real sense of the words. If there were a true Christian nationalism, would that be bad? Think about that. Yeah. What would it look like if the church ran the country? Yeah. Isn't that what God wants? But... And so even that wording means something different. What would it mean if Christian principles, if the country was ran on Christian principles? I would take that over the church running the country. I'm assuming the church meaning the big C church and its principles, you know what I'm saying? Biblically. You know what I mean? Like pastors who follow the Bible biblically are now in positions of power. Like they're senators. You know what I mean? Well, they're that now. Who? I mean, you got pastors who are in positions of power. You have quote unquote Christians who are in positions of power. No, I'm talking about biblical pastors. If Votie Bakken was a senator in Georgia, what would policy look like? Not these politician actor dudes. What's his name? What's his name? The dude in Georgia. Oh, Warnock. Raphael Warnock. Yeah, not them guys. I'm talking about if Christian principles were what policy and law was based off of. Well, they already are. That's the thing. Now we're going away from them, but I think that's what the feud is now, right? When you say that the country was founded on Christian principles, then people are like, oh, that was another thing. It was highlighted. I forget who said it, but I think it was a bit reductionist, reductionistic to say that the country was founded by deists, merely deists. Now, I'm not denying that some people who claimed Christian were merely deist, but they were definitely Christians and explicitly so in the beginning, in the founding of the country, in the colonies. And then he threw up in the beginning. So it was explicitly Christian principles, Christian pillars of society that people were running, running on. So. Well, yeah, a lot of them were Christian. A lot of them were just deists. Yeah. But yeah, I mean, like the law of the land is certainly. That's what I'm saying. Christian principles. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. But this Christian nationalism has been... The words don't have any meaning anymore. So what they mean is, when they say Christian, they're talking about the slanderous right-wing person. Nationalism, control, or racism. So it's like a bunch of right-wings want to control the world. They paint this hands-made tale. Apparently that's right-wing. Right. Some sort of oligarchy. where there's some leaders who claim to be Christian but exercise zero Christian principles. Right. Does this make any sense? Which I'm going to do a short segment on that, I think, as all the things talking about the golden age and coming up with Christianity or golden age of America. I think there's a necessary sober-mindedness to have regarding that. But so here we are. We're in November. It's November. And we have spent a decent amount of time slandering one another online. I say that loosely. I don't think you and I have been slandering anybody. We slander ideas. But you have families who have been turning against one another for the sake of strangers they've never met and will never meet again. And now we have Thanksgiving. You think people still get together for Thanksgiving after COVID? And where I live, I can't say they do. People still afraid? I mean, I just think, I don't think, you're saying because of COVID? No, no, no. I'm saying COVID being the catalyst and then after it and everything involved, whatever. Since COVID, how do you think Thanksgiving's been looking? Yeah, I think families have been... Um, and I can't, so, I mean, you know, I, I see a lot of clients and I'm, because I work in a transient area, people moving a lot all the time, but something's consistent about where they're moving to. I haven't had any customers like, yeah, got a new job in New York. So moving upstate, you know what I mean? It's like, yeah, going to California. So. Like, I just haven't gotten that. Everyone's like, you're moving to Charleston, moving to Texas, moving to Georgia. You know what I mean? And so it's, I think a lot of people's gripes is that it's too expensive to live here. And they're young couples, young professionals who work for the federal government. I got a job in South Carolina. I'm taking it. And because families are like that, I don't think people just... They're not around each other to have Thanksgiving dinner. A lot of the families where I live are stretched all across the country. That's a good point. And they just don't make the effort to travel for Thanksgiving. Christmas might be a little bit different, but not much. Yeah. Not much. Um... What are some arguments you've heard from folks? We did an Instagram live on this question a little bit, but we want to do this now in this episode where we talk about arguments we've heard pre. Now, you're actually doing a series on Instagram, kind of Fifteen Reasons Kamala. Fifteen. I thought you said fifteen. I'm going to go forever until I run out. Oh, my fault. I thought you said fifteen. There's so many reasons why Kamala didn't get elected for four years where people are very distraught. And I'm not saying this in a slanderous way. I'm saying this evidentially. I'm saying this objectively. People are genuinely emotionally unhinged. A lady got a tattoo that said Trump is not my president. Yeah, they're genuinely emotionally unhinged. And that seems like a common denominator when it comes down to leftist ideology, that it feeds the psyche of the unhinged. And I'm not saying that everybody who is in agreement with leftist principles is unhinged presently. Yeah. But... But there's something there. There's something there. Now, I know that probably the quickest rebuttal would be, oh, what about January six? I promise you, and I say this, I say this in all genuineness, that whatever you believe about January six, based on what people are saying they believe about conservatives and Republicans and the racist right, And compare that with what actually transpired on January six, that if you claim that the desire was an insurrection, then that was a very hinged response, extremely hinged response. And obviously that's probably the most kind assessment of that. Yeah, that's you know, that's me being merciful in that in an assessment of January six. I think we've been bombarded with. Propagandized clips and things like that. Meanwhile, there's what, forty four thousand hours of footage regarding it that people just don't even bother watching. And they got conservatives begging for police. What were you going to say? Yeah, I mean, they've silenced people, even talking about the fact that corruption happened. You see, like, if you watch any debates, it's a gotcha. That's the gotcha question for Donald Trump. Every time. Do you still think that you won the election? Yeah. And if he says yes, it's like, ah, he's a weirdo election denier and he hates democracy. It's like, what do you mean? Like. Well, let's go on. Weirdest, I guess, arguments you were hearing leading up to the election. It doesn't have to be brand new, but what's the weirdest argument you've heard leading up to the election or post? The weirdest argument is that if you're black and you're voting for Donald Trump, you're voting against your interests. I think that's really weird to say. Did you ever hear anybody expound on that? Well, no. It was more like a... What's the man's name? The Q-Dog that was just talking and saying words with no... Q-Dog? He's a Q. Ricky Smiley, right? Oh, gosh. It's those kind of words. Yeah. People want to get your answers. you must hate your kind or someone said even on our post with our boy what's his name he said uh you're part of the thirteen percent in case you didn't know what does that mean um in one of my videos I mentioned that they pandered to thirteen percent of the population and surprise surprise that's who voted for them I see the thirteen percent of the population you got a lot of but the rest of the country didn't care to hear it And even some of that thirteen percent didn't care to hear it. And he was like, well, you know you're a part of that thirteen percent, right? Just in case you didn't know. That's nothing. That's a non-point. You've said nothing. But yeah, it's that kind of stuff. It was all race stuff, abortion stuff. Donald Trump's gonna, you know, Donald Trump's Hitler. He's gonna destroy the country. This might be the last election we have if Donald Trump gets in office. Um... Things like that, man. It's just... You know what was interesting? That there was congruence in multiple conversations I had with folks post-election. And mind you, I want to give a hats off to those individuals. They messaged me out of curiosity on why I would have voted for Trump. Hmm. And so rather than chalking it up and making some type of judgment like we all do, and it's just very prevalent in our society today, they messaged me or called me and we had a conversation about it. Now, what was more astonishing to me is how congruent their statements were. These are individual people, separate conversations, no associations. And yet there's a congruence to not only their arguments, but even the chronology of their argumentation. So if we talk about, I always started with this. I always asked them, because the question is, am I a Trump supporter? And I would always ask them, well, what is that? What is a Trump supporter and when did they come into existence? Because at the end of the day, elections always involved you voting for someone. But now there's this passive bullying that says that, hey, if you vote for this person, then this is who you're going to be named as. This is the pejorative we're going to place on you. And that didn't start with Trump. I'm sure it started a long time ago, but in my lifetime, it started with nine eleven. where people had questions and then the pejorative was called a what? Conspiracy theorist? No, what's the other one? It's so stupid. We talked about it. I don't know. You're out for the truth. So you're a truther. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's stupid. Yeah. You just want to know the truth about behind what happened. And you want somebody to actually sit and walk you through the evidence. And the pejorative is a truther. You are one of those truthers. If you're someone who recognizes the beauties of the Constitution and what it means to dwell in a sovereign state, we are not United States citizens per the tax code and per the government codes. We are Maryland citizens. That's important because Maryland is a sovereign territory within the United States. If you talk like that, what's the pejorative? Right. You're one of those sovereign citizens. That's a big thing now. Yeah. On the Internet. For some reason, people just learn this term, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, that's a big thing now where people are calling people that and really aren't interested in. even knowing what these people know no and that's on purpose right so you just name what you call give them a name and now it's dismissive and now they're forever that name and you'll never even know right what it is they're doing like do you know that these people are trying to preserve human rights meanwhile your girl kamala's home on some hey the police should just go open your house and inspect your house for guns right these sovereign citizens help to stop that So that goes back to one of the crazier things I heard. One of the things I heard was kind of related to you. You said that people were saying that this will be the last election. I mean, this is this is crazy fear mongering. And if it's an unhinged person, they might take it upon themselves to try and kill Donald Trump. But that's crazy. Conspiracies. Right. Yeah. Oh, another thing I saw was, did you watch, I don't know whose podcast it is. Is it Andrew Schultz's podcast? They're like sitting in chairs and just chilling. But he always has a bunch of people on there. I think it was Andrew Schultz, but Charlamagne Tha God was on there. I think it's their podcast. Oh, really? Yeah. Oh, that's interesting. Okay. But do you know what I'm talking about? Yes. Oh, yeah. Because Charlamagne was talking about, yeah, I mean, I think it's weird that All of a sudden, like this guy was supposed to be Hitler. You know, he's destroying democracy. And now Joe Biden is like, yeah, we'll do anything you need. Would you believe that? He was like, bro, that's what we're saying. Why are you voting for Kamala? Why did you vote for Kamala? Why were you doing that? We said this a long time ago. They're fake. They're phony. They're making this stuff up. It's like it's all this game like, oh, man, you won. All right. Shake hands. It's like, no, this guy was talking about you were saying he was going to destroy lives. Yeah. The point where people wanted him dead. And now you're like, get whatever you need. Peaceful transfer of power. Charlemagne was like, nah, no peaceful transfer of power. If this guy's a dictator. Right. If you really believe he's a dictator, you got to fight me to get me out of the White House. Right. Right. And that's exactly what Donald Trump was doing. In twenty twenty. There's a lot of. The same thing we've always said. I constantly shock myself on how much I underestimate people's ignorance. I'm not saying that to be slanderous. It's genuine. People genuinely don't know a lot of things just regarding the world. They don't want to know. And you know that there's something there too. There are multiple people as a result of our conversation, which I would say was a good conversation. I wanted something I could send them to just hone in on one thing that they are thinking very wrongly about. And so that one thing was Seth Gruber's, And it's just centering around the origins of abortion, what we call reproductive rights in this country. And it's direct link to white supremacy and eugenics and hatred towards not only just human life, but then minority human life. So minority in a populist sense. And so I sent that to them, and I'm not saying I know why I haven't heard back, but I'm just saying I haven't heard anything back. I haven't heard anything back. But this was a crazy response I got. The crazy response I got was that Donald Trump wants to turn our government into a dictatorship. And then they went on about why it's important, why our Constitution is important, and why the things that a president does should uphold the Constitution. And I'm thinking, how are you not connecting the dots of leftism over the past, what? Forever? Let's just go thirty years. They've wanted to take guns for the longest time. They've infringed on gun rights for the longest time. not only that in that very election donald trump is running against someone who unconstitutionally is running against him yeah um but they they can't see that they didn't see that I was watching uh candace owens not all of it but a part of her episode she was talking about her sister uh she said she calls her little sisters um basically every morning before she runs. And she was just saying that the biggest, she kept, she was debating Mark Lamont Hill, former professor at Temple. I didn't know that he was a professor. Oh my goodness. But anyway. she said the biggest thing they always get caught up on is transgenderism yeah um and this whole kamala thing funding using tax dollars to fund trans surgeries for people in prison specifically yeah it's like what a weird thing to make us pay for anyway um that's something that made her sister vote for donald trump um she said that yeah that's a big deal you know our kids are being inundated with that stuff in school we're seeing it more and more in their libraries um and they're just starting to discover that's just not who they are and she said once she said once they said that to me I was like well she said to open the door it's like let's go back a little bit further yeah and she brought up the guy that you just brought up she brought up uh what guy that I just brought up uh the uh the abortion stuff oh um she brought up the twins yeah john money john money she brought up uh there was a kinsey no no no not him it was a guy who apparently got arrested I mean it was two guys who got arrested for a hate crime for beating up a gay guy because he was gay Yeah, that's where hate crime came from. That was a story that they told. And she said, no, that's not a story at all. Basically, they were one of the guys actually knew him. They were ex-boyfriend lovers and they did meth together. And it was a drug, but it was a drug thing gone wrong. They did meth. They tried to rob him and went wrong and nothing to do with him being gay. And she said her sister's mind was like, what? So from that point on, she's been going back further and further and calling her like, what? what what it's just like yeah it's always been lies the media has never told you the truth They've always been lying. So I think that once people and that's why they do the slanderous terms and they just throw things out like Donald Trump is worse than Hitler and he's going to be a dictator and destroy America. They say those things so that you can just make your mind up based off of those buzzwords instead of you actually doing any real research. There's no evidence of voter fraud. No evidence of voter fraud. No evidence of voter fraud. Now tune into your favorite award show or hip hop video or movie and forget all about it. Yeah. Yeah, there's been so much. There's been so much stuff, man. The girl that's supposed to be playing Snow White, I don't even know her name, Rachel something? I don't know. Basically, she said that she wished that people who vote for Donald Trump would die, or she wished harm upon a bunch of conservatives. The evidence of unhingedness amongst people who hate Donald Trump is legion. It's really mind boggling. It's genuinely unhinged. Because in my conversations, my multiple conversations, do you know what the foundational response was from each person? What? I just don't like him. They don't like Donald Trump. I don't know him or Kamala Harris. Me neither. It's very odd, right? It's very odd. The question is, when did your disdain for him start? Eight years ago. Yeah. I only know what Joe Biden believes. I only know what Barack Obama believes. I only know what Kamala Harris believes. And based on their belief, we have two different beliefs. I don't know who Kamala is as a wife, stepmother, who Joe Biden is. I know accusations of the way he is as a father or grandfather. Yeah. Those will never come to light, though. Yeah. But still, like we always say, I've not gone to sleep thinking about these people. I know. Ever. I know. Because at the end of the day, we have families that we're responsible for first. Then communities that we should be concerned with. And then cities that we should be concerned with. But we're not even trained to care about those things. We're just trained to tune into our main TV station. They tell us how to think. And if we get out of line, they'll slander us and Barack will come and try to get us back in line. Boy, did that backfire. He said... And somebody in the comments of that video, he said... With the college with you. That's crazy, man. He said, brothers, with the college with you. With the college with you. Pookie and them. You don't talk like that. Yeah, Pookie and them. And here's the thing. Oh, go ahead. That wasn't what I was going to say. That's not what I just thought about when you said Barack Obama. That's crazy. But anyway. What? No, I just thought about what I just said when you said Barack Obama, that witches stuff. That's crazy. That's just a sidebar. But what I wanted to say was people are hating their own family members that they do know over people, over someone they don't know. Yes. Because somebody they don't know has said something about somebody they don't know. So now they hate people they do know. They do know. That's right. And they believe about the people they do know what the person they don't know says about the people they do know. Unreal. Yeah, yeah. Regardless of how I treated you, you're going to listen to what Rachel Maddow says about me. That's right. Who doesn't know me? And going back to even that statement, went to college with you. Yeah. No, she didn't. No. She went to one HBCU. Yeah, she might have gone to Howard, but Kamala is not from where Barack Obama was trying to say she was from. She knows the struggle. Barack Obama is not from where he claims he's from. And he's gay. Look, at least that's what he wrote. That's what he wrote. But those things we don't know. And what did he do for black Americans specifically? So that's what we're doing now. I know that presidents are supposed to only care for thirteen percent of the population. What policies did Barack Obama implement specifically for the black community that y'all like? Yeah. Well, the thing about the black community is that the black community is a secular construct. It's a social construct. And when you are a social construct, you are created and mandated by the world. And since you have been created and mandated by the world, you are therefore under the command of the world. and if the world says now let's move on from fists in the air to rainbow flags then you must move on to rainbow flags and that's what we're seeing that's what we're seeing I was watching I want to find it so you and I can actually do a commentary on it but there was this video at morehouse which morehouse has been trash where they're talking to these young black men And they're just moving them quickly through the idols of the world and what it means to be black. First, you got to hate whitey. Second, you got to know you're always going to be a victim. Third, you have to do away with your traditional Christian values. This is what's being talked about by this professor. I need to find it. Third, a part of those traditional Christian values, get this, your traditional views on men and women. Look at that. At an all-men school? Yeah. All-boys school. Look at that. Look at that. So I do want to touch on one. I want to look at Derek's pastor. Derek, your soul glow. And we've touched on our conversations in the past couple episodes. I want to look at... I think I lost Darren. What the heck happened? I don't know. I lost you for a second. I want to touch on something. So I forget what I said to him. And I think the response was, this is a common response that we get in this conversation of abortion, is that outlawing abortion is not going to make it go away. And I think that what I responded to him with was, Outlawing murder was not meant to make murder go away. Right. Well, I don't think laws, the point of laws are not to prevent something. Correct. Laws are meant to provide justice for something done wrong. Correct. That's what they're for. So that's why all these putting laws in place, that's just not minority report. That's not what laws are for. So all these politicians trying to make laws to stop this, stop that, that's not their job. They can't do that because they end up infringing on rights. However, you don't have the right to kill somebody. It's already illegal. So there doesn't need to be another law. We just need to identify that if there's a human inside of a woman, which seems really simple. Very simple. But now it's complicated, apparently. It's nuanced. Yeah, yeah. It's nuanced. Satan's favorite words, nuanced. How about this sonogram? Let's take a look. I want to take a look at what his pastor said. I'm going to try and do a better job. No, whose pastor is this? You cut out before you said. This was Derek's pastor, Soul Glow. Oh, man. Soul Glow. And this is what he said. Hold on real quick. Let me blow my nose. I'm going to mute your microphone. No. This is for the people. We're for the people. I'm not. All of us. Transparent. So my response to him was, Outlawing murder is not going to make murder go away, but it's meant, like what you said, Darren, it's a form of true justice. A wrong being set right through justice. So this is what he said. I had to sit a few days with the podcast you posted in response to my comments. I got nowhere on my own, so I went to my pastor with my concerns like you suggested in an episode. Now, I want us to focus on this. This is a pastor. I don't know this man, but I can at least make judgments based off of what I'm inferring from his statements. That's all I'm doing. Derek says this. This is his response in a nutshell. It is a particularly rough election. Neither party is clearly better than the other. That's a first statement. Neither can claim to be biblical, even though both take some positions that could be considered in line with biblical teaching. Now... With that being said, when we were asking and we continue to ask that if that is your stance, then stay away from your hatred of Donald Trump. Right. And walk us through those. Right. Just just walk us through those. What are they? That's what we're asking. What are they? Right. So, yeah, you know, neither candidate can claim the moral high ground. I concur. The reality is, according to the Bible, we are not to look to government to the source of mortality and truth. Now, I think he means morality and truth. We are not to look to government to the source of morality and truth. God gives us government to keep order and impart justice. When they stop doing that, he gets rid of them in his time. So what's important is that I can only speculate what he's referring to right now. I don't know what he's actually referring to. I can only just take his statements at face value. I don't know what that's in response to. Mm-hmm. Because at Fates Value, we agree. We do not look to government as the source of morality and truth. No, we absolutely agree with that. Based off of that, one argument is saying, hey, God is the establisher, author of life, and he is the one who decides what to do with life. And the government is saying, well, we disagree. So where do we land there? I continue. His pastor says, while I have concerns about the quote unquote agenda of the Democrats to promote abortion, to promote abortion rights and LGBT rights, comma, is it really an unjust thing to protect rights? So we need to back up there. I don't know what he's saying, but here's my speculation. Whatever thoughts you have, just interject because I'm not going to hear you. I'm looking at the screen. Did you have something? I think you're going to say it. Go ahead. Um, I'm bothered by the quotations of agenda first. I'm splitting hairs here because I want to weigh everything that's being said fairly. I think that they're typed or they're said on purpose, and so therefore I want to draw conclusions based on absolutely everything I'm reading here. So quote unquote agenda, what I'm inferring from that is there may be questions around the fact that there is indeed an agenda, that that's more so propaganda, that the left has an agenda. I disagree. The Democrats quite literally promote abortion. It's their ticket item they ran on. They had a mobile, an abortion mobile. for people to get abortions outside of the Democratic National Convention. LGBT rights. Democrats literally lit up the White House in the rainbow flag. So you can remove the quotation marks. It's there. There's an agenda. Now let's answer his question. Is it really unjust or is it really an unjust thing to protect rights? So let me put that in a full thought. Look, while I do have some hesitations regarding the agenda to promote abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, I secondly ask this question. Is it unjust to protect rights? And I think that we need to ask the question, what is a right? Yeah. That's the question. What right is he referring to? What right is he referring to? Abortion rights is a pseudonym for murder. Right. Therefore, we cannot consider that a right. It's an oxymoron. It's an oxymoron. LGBTQ rights is about marriage and the tearing down of the definition of marriage. Right. So it's not a right. It's not a right because you know who's at the table now and who's been at the table? The men who want to marry their boys. Is that marriage? No. No. What about the men who want to marry their little girls? Will that be marriage? No, it's not a right. So when someone wants to kill a human being, which is why you can't talk in pseudonyms, we have to keep the main thing, the main thing, be honest, keep everything in the light is what Christians ought to be concerned with. Is it a right to be able to murder? No. Now, going back to his statement that we agree with, that we do not look to the government as the source of morality and truth, then where do we learn what rights are? Do we learn them from the government? Because our government document says that our rights inherently stem from our maker. Yeah, I'm really bothered that this pastor hasn't used any scripture. Correct. Correct. So let me continue on. Is it really an unjust thing to protect rights? It is unjust to use subversive language in order to obfuscate the truth by calling them rights in order to do evil. That is unjust, it is unholy, and it is sin. He continues, isn't it up to the church and believers to educate on righteousness? You're welcome. We just did. That was me talking. Quote, would Democrats prevent that? Yes, Democrats have prevented it, and it only will get worse as we give them the power to do so. Mm-hmm. Bevelyn, or what is her name? Bevelyn Meady? Bevelyn Beady, the woman that's in prison? What she was doing, and there was a sister who actually checked me on a post that I made saying that, look, I'm in agreement with you, but there are headlines talking about what Bevelyn did, and they're not telling the truth. What she did was she obstructed the pathway of a woman going into an abortion clinic, and that's against the law. And that's true. And she said that It's not about whether or not I agree that that should be the law. It's about when we share the truth, we have to share the truth. And she's absolutely right. That headline is misleading, and that's what Bevelyn was doing. However, the Christian needs to be sober-minded to know that it is against the law to prevent murder. That's what we need to be reminded of. Would Democrats prevent that? Yes. Bevelyn was educating on righteousness. She's in prison. Yes, they would prevent it. He continues on and says fornication before marriage is available to you, but you chose to walk with God. Lying, murder, hate are available to you, but it's about your choice in God that makes you a Christian, not your voting status. Once again, I can only speculate where he's going with that. What do you have on that? Um, I don't like those vague terms or those vague words. He said, he said words that were vague. Um, uh it's very small hold on murder hate are available to you but it's about your choice in god that makes you a christian not your voting status I mean but there's if that is true number one god chooses us number two shouldn't you vote and someone go, oh, wow, you must be a Christian. I don't mind that. When you say, hey, why did you vote this way? And they hear you explain why, and they should be able to deduce that you're a Christian. Yeah, what needs to be broken down is what does it mean? Let's just use his language. Let's use his language. What does a choice in God mean? Right. That's what that means. It means that you vote according to the scriptures. Yeah, it means that you have made the declaration and you proclaim Jesus to be Lord, Lord, ruler, supreme, preeminent in all things. That all things, like we talked about in the last episode we brought this up, all things were made through him and for him. Women, their wombs, and the babies that fill those wombs are made through Christ and for Christ. So you don't get to therefore say it's a clump of cells, kill it, and say Jesus is Lord. You do not resemble one who makes that declaration by having that stance. Just like I don't resemble a husband if at this time I go out every night looking for women. Yeah, and you also don't get to stand by and sit on the fence and go, well, it's really not my say. It's their choice. I mean, it's not my body. Right. Educate in righteousness, he said. Yeah. Isn't it up to the Christian to educate in righteousness? And now what this pastor is doing, ironically, is he is miseducating in unrighteousness. Mm-hmm. So he continues on. While abortion is available, your walk with Christ prevents that from being an option from you. It doesn't, actually. It's still an option. But when your proclamation is that Jesus is Lord, you choose him. That's what it means to choose him. He continues, you can't measure your love for Christ without choosing him over the things of this world. Okay, hats off. We agree. But we also believe that that statement contradicts what was said earlier. So, yes, you can vote Democrat and still be Christian. I'm flabbergasted that that's where he just landed. Yeah. Let me go over that again and not break it up. Let me see. While abortion is available, your walk with Christ prevents that from being an option for you. You can't measure your love for Christ without choosing him over the things of this world. So, yes, you can vote Democrat and still be a Christian. Anyone who says you can't has an agenda, not a message. All right. So I imagine he wouldn't want to have a conversation then if that's the way he ends it. Yeah. Okay, I'll get to that. So let's deal with this. So I think that he's going with what you just highlighted, Darren. He's washing his hands of the fact that people are getting abortions. Like, look, I choose Christ, so I choose not to get an abortion. I hear a lot of leftist quote-unquote pastors saying this, the popular ones, William Murphy, Jamal Bryant. If you don't like abortions, don't get one then. And it's like, yikes, you're a shepherd. You're a shepherd. You don't like rape, then don't rape nobody then. And what's being forgotten in that line of argumentation, if that's what we want to call it, what's being forgotten is that there's still a life being ended. So it's not about, look, you don't want to do it, then don't do it. No. No. I don't want to, you know, kidnap people. And I'm also not going to kidnap people. But if I'm walking down the street and I see a child forcibly being thrown into a car, unholstered, and I'm running. My lips are probably going to be white at the end of it. But I'm unholstered and I'm running toward that car. Because there's a life to be protected. That's what's being missed by this shepherded, He's a shepherd. He ends with this, and I think that these are Derek's words. So everything we said before that, because I asked for clarity on this, were his pastor's words. And this is Derek's words. I just can't vote for a man who's less educated than me. That's ad hominem. I see his crowds and I see hate and anger, not God. I don't know what his crowds would be. I guess his crowds would be people who voted for him. And that would be us. Now, if we take a microcosm of the people who would side with Derek and people who would side with us, with all due respect, I feel like, Derek, if you're listening to this, I feel like in the beginning, you were more slanderous towards us. I don't slander you. And you just slandered Donald Trump. Yeah, he's less educated. Yeah, right. I was always taught to watch the company I keep and the crowd I bring. I can say with clear conscience that I'm voting Kamala. I'll see you tomorrow night on YouTube. Oh, okay. So I think he had planned on joining in when we originally addressed this and he missed it. But yeah, I think that's what always boils down to. People don't like him. It's an ad hominem stance, which means attacking the person against the man is what ad hominem means. And the reason it's a fallacy in philosophy and in logic is because logic deals in ideas. Right. And when you are needing to address ideas and you choose not to address them, but only the carrier of an idea, then that means that an idea that is harmful can be proliferated and you not even care. Because as long as you can attack the vessel, then you're good. And that's what has led to where our country is today. And I think it's also what has led to Donald Trump being the elected president, the forty seventh president of the United States. And there we are. Any thoughts? Yeah, I mean, that's I mean. That's the Christian, that's some people's Christian worldview. Yeah. That's a little disturbing. Hey, Kev. Yeah, that's pretty disturbing to know that that's someone's Christian worldview from a pastor and really hasn't really invoked any of God's words. No. um kind of taking some you know some principles here something there right and then when you try to derive his own conclusion it's like boom blows up which is what humans do right that's what right right that that that's the thing right that's what we do he's already made his decision and trying to work way work his way back to the reasoning right right it's uh And so this is what I wanted to be addressed on the live stream that we were doing, the panel, where what happens is because there is a complete lack of reverence for God in that response. I don't know this man. I don't know his heart. In his response, there is a complete lack of reverence for God. He's not referenced. What happens when we bring scripture to our argument is we're called what? I don't know. Christian nationalists. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We're called Christian nationalists. Yeah. Because we're bringing scripture to the argument. And I think that it's become this boogeyman term. And what I'm glad I learned from that live stream is that it's not a boogeyman. There are actually people who are just as un-Christ-like as a lot of people who are far left, who are far right, where their God is the elephant. It's the GOP. It's the flag. That's their God. Their temple is the White House. And they stand just as much in judgment as the one who is, they would call the fornicator or the sexually immoral. And quiet as a cat, they're probably sexually immoral as well. Mm-hmm. But they don't need to be. They can be chaste. They can be, or, you know, what's it called, celibate and still have idolatrous hearts. Mm-hmm. Is he a Philly fan? I don't want to talk about football right now. I can't even. I'm sick. I don't want to talk about it. But yeah, yeah. Let's move on. We're going to close up. We're going to close up. I want to watch this video together. We're not going to watch the whole thing. I'm going to skip around a little bit. But this is post-election. and coming off of what we were talking about regarding Christian nationalism, you know, that even if you are a church and you address the, uh, election, which a shepherd should. A shepherd should bring clarity to his flock in those times. Because that's what the sheep need. Clarity. Not ambiguity. Clarity. And whenever someone biblically and faithfully does that, they're called a majority of Christian nationalists. That's evil. Meanwhile, Kamala can get an ambulance. I see you on the mountaintops. I know. I know. I know. Okay, so let's look at this. Let's listen to this. This is post the election. This is a very emotionally hinged man, I assume. Let's hear what he's got to say. This is the same America that incarcerated the Central Park Five for crimes they did not commit in nineteen eighty nine. This is the same America that beat Rodney King in nineteen ninety four. It's the same America that profiled Amadou Diallo in nineteen ninety nine. It's the same America that murdered Sean Bell in his car in two thousand and six. It's the same America that hunted down Trayvon Martin in twenty twelve. It's the same America that murdered Breonna Taylor in her own home in two thousand and twenty. And it's the same America that tried to erase black history in twenty twenty three. And it's the same America that voted against the most qualified, most educated, most well-respected woman in person to ever run for president in the united states of america on last tuesday a lot of people trying to master one second ah that's not preaching he's just saying things in church is there any wonder right now I'm gonna go back to it but is there any wonder Our people sat down. Boy, better sat down. You ain't said nothing. That's what I see. That's what I would yell from the audience. Sat down. All that carrying on. That's gracious. You ain't saying nothing up there. Is there any wonder people are so misguided? Now, I don't even, this is the sorrowful part. People are misguided, we would say politically. We believe they are. But no matter what, we will never recognize anything eye to eye because the foundation, biblically, discernment is gone. That was bibliocentric ethnic theism. What are they shouting and cheering about? What are they shouting and cheering about, Darren? You better say something. He's not saying nothing. I would have sat firmly in my chair like this. He's not saying anything. I would have gotten up and left. What are you talking about? This is the same America. And what are people supposed to deduce from that? What do they get from it? What do they get from it? They get that black people are a new or isolated race in exile in America. And they're always victims. They're always going to be victims. And their only hope is to make it to heaven where everybody's black. And the center of God's world is black people. Boy, are they going to be mistaken. Man, are they going to be mistaken. People can't even fathom that the Lord is the center of all things. That the new earth and the new heavens, the center of it will be him. People can't fathom that because of bibliocentric ethnic theism. Let's continue on just for a time, just for a season. Hold on, where we at? Let's do it this way. Let's continue on. The raid and just say, well, they didn't campaign hard enough. But in a hundred and seven days, this woman has done a remarkable job trying to tell the nation about the truth of herself. And it ain't up to us that white women and white men and Latino folks could not accept the truth. Quiet is kept. It's a bunch of bruhs right behind him like, I voted for Trump, though. Exactly. Lay back there like... Oh, Lord. Down by the river. They went right to the daggone poles. Oh, man. The rhetoric, right? I get it. I get it. There are a lot of us who don't like the way people talk. I'm just saying this. How is this acceptable? Right, right. This is from the pulpit. God's pulpit used to instruct his people into holiness and sanctification according to his word. His divine power, as Peter says, is granted to us all things pertaining to life and godliness according to the knowledge of him who has called us by his own glory and excellence. Yet all they're getting is Kamala on the Lord's day itself. Okay, I was getting angry. All they're getting is Kamala. And yes, for anybody who wants to give that rebuttal, if somebody is in Texas doing the same thing about Trump, they're just as evil. They're just as negligent. But this gets a pass. It's also lying. It's also lying about her. It is lying. She never gave anything. She gave us nothing. Yeah, a bunch of lies about herself. She gave us Meg the Stallion. Yeah. Cardi B, Glorilla. Yeah. Beyonce, and she gave them millions. Right. Last. Okay, we're wrapping up. We're wrapping up soon. Let's get to it. Where are we at? We got to face the facts. Yeah, don't let them masquerade yourself and make you feel like you're wrong for feeling how you feel. Don't let them try to manipulate you. In the name of Jesus, we bind you in the name of Jesus. I bind the enemy in the name of Jesus. See, when you talk in truth, Satan can't handle it. When you speak in truth, the power of the enemy can't handle what God is about to put out. Yeah, I mean, that's the thing. That's the thing in bibliocentric ethic theism. But I came to tell somebody you came to the right place on the right Sunday because this is the house of the Lord and every demonic force, every evil spirit is going to be cast out in the name of Jesus. Ahab had the position, but Elijah had the power. Pilate had the position, but Jesus, he had the power. Uh-oh. He better not. Oh, Darren. Wait, am I right? Darren, we've, he, oh, he plagiarized this or somebody plagiarized it. oh lord please let me have this clip please let me have this clip lord was it remember when we did our bibliocentric ethnic theism episode yeah oh you remember the opening clip yeah that dude at the church oh he said the same thing was that a movie or that was a documentary it was a documentary darren I hope I have it darren Okay, okay. I think this is it. I think this is it. Let me finish a little bit of what he's saying and so I can be sure. Let me finish this. I'm so glad this is what we're wrapping up. And I came to tell you, Donald Trump might have the position, but we got the power. Open your mouth. That's the punchline? That's the punchline, baby. Donald Trump got the position, but we got the power. Not Jesus? Not Jesus. Not Jesus, no. We have the power? Biblio-centric ethic theism at its finest, baby. At its finest. Okay. Okay. This is where we're ending, guys. I hope you remember that. I hope you remember that. He was preaching. He was preaching. Let's see if I've got it, Darren. Let me see if I've got it. No. That's not it. That's not it. Let's get rid of it. Let me see. Oh, I really hope. I really hope video file let's go uh darren I think I've done it in the house to lay him before jesus and they couldn't get in the house because all the religious folk were blocking the entrance So they decided to make their own entrance. And that is what I love about this text. This thing is so beautiful. Look at this. Everybody is in the house. They want to hear Jesus, but they don't necessarily want to practice what Jesus is teaching. And here you have some brothers. They try to get in the house. But you had all these people that had positions. Never confused position with power oh here it comes he took it he stole it pharaoh had a position but moses had the power herod had a position but john had the power the cross had a position but jesus had the power Lincoln had a position, but Douglas had the power. Woodrow Wilson had a position, but Ida B. Wells had the power. George Wallace had a position, but Rosa Parks had the power. Lyndon Baines Johnson had a position, but Martin Luther King had the power. We have the power. Don't you ever forget. You notice the symmetry in the closing line? It's centered on us. It's centered on us. First of all, the analogies are bad. Those are not analogies. Really bad. They're not analogous statements. But that's where we are. That's bibliocentric ethnic theism. And Linda Baines Johnson got y'all in there like that. Yeah, that's what LBJ did. Yeah, he had the power. That's what LBJ did. So this is the thing. If people are fortunate enough, if Christians are fortunate enough to sit at Thanksgiving and have genuine conversations... then do not care about the pejoratives and the slanderous words that can be used against you. If you have the truth on your side, then there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Stand firm in what's true. Tell the truth and do it with patience and respect. Revere Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being prepared to give a reason for the hope that is in you. That is what you're doing with gentleness and respect. And enjoy your mac and cheese if they don't want to listen. Do you know where we're going for Thanksgiving? On April's house. Oh, okay. All right. We'll be fine. Get a corn. Oh, man. Thank you guys for listening to this episode of Black and Blurred. We guarantee to hear one of two things, our humble opinion or the facts. Holler at us.